Jason Voorhees

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A (Aftercare)

He would immediately check if you were ok. Jason has a big size so right after sex he'd ask if you were ok and give you a warm hug. To make you feel comforted by the giant softie.

B (Their favorite body part on you and them)

Jason's favorite body part on him is his huge arms. Due to his muscles he tries to be gentle with you when you hug or when he holds you. He doesn't want to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. He doesn't really have a favorite part on you; he loves every part of you. Your face, hands, legs he just loves all of you.

C (Anything to do with cum)

He doesn't cum inside you without permission. Jason always asks for permission before he involves cum.

D (Dirty secret)

Jason loves when you're dominate in bed. He adores seeing your beautiful body on top of him. He melts when you're in control, taking care of him.

E (Experience, how experienced are they?)

We all know Jason has zero experience with dating anyone. At the start of your relationship, he always was embarrassed to be romantic with you. But after some time together he would be romantic. Such as giving you gifts or hugs whenever he could.

F (Favorite position)

Even though you would mostly do missionary; he loves cowgirl or reverse cowgirl. Seeing you on top of him with a satisfied smile just makes him more happy. You don't do the cowgirl position much because of his size. It hurts for you and he understands.

G (Goofy, are they serious or goofy in the moment?)

Jason is serious during sex. From what you and his mother has told him, he believes sex is something very serious. He will always be delicate with you and make sure you're happy with what you both are doing.

H (Hair, how well groomed are they?)

Jason does have some hair down there but it isn't too much.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

As I said before, Jason finds sex to be a serious topic. So he will do his best to be gentle and make sure you're not getting hurt by his size. His stares at you with a sort of care and affection.

J (Jacking off, their views on masturbation)

Before your relationship, Jason never did masturbate. He viewed the act to be disgusting and was too embarrassed by it. However you later taught him that jerking off is nothing to be ashamed of. Whenever he gets a hard he will quickly got rid of it, your talk with him though makes him feel less guilty of the act.

K (Their kinks)

Jason has a soft spot for you being dominate. He also likes to be praised and complimented on his looks whilst you ride him. Also, he likes to wear a blindfold when your being dom; it's a bit fun and exciting for him.

L (Location, their favorite place to be intimate)

His favorite place is to be inside his house, in the bedroom. Where no one can interrupt you both. You did have him try to do it outside but, you could tell he wasn't comfortable with the scenery so you strictly have sex in the bedroom.

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

Something that gets Jason in the mood is you flirting with him. Watching you bite your lip, giving his compliments and being very close against him causing to blush madly. It makes him crazy to pick you up and take you to the bedroom.

N (No! Something they won't do)

One thing he'll never do to you is hurting you. Jason would hate to seriously injure you because of his strength. He worries that if he does you would begin to fear him and leave him. You're the first person that he loves and he would hate to lose you over a silly mistake. 

O (Oral, preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)

It took some time before Jason was reluctant to take off his mask. Once he eats you out, you'll be moaning his name through the whole experience. When it was Jason's first time receiving a blowjob from you; he was in heaven. It felt fucking amazing for him.

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

Jason is always slow and gentle when making love. He wants to make sure you're safe and everything is sweet. Usually he will give soft kisses if he sees that his size is hurting you.

Q (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)

Jason doesn't like quickies, he prefers to have proper sex.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

No Jason doesn't like to risk anything. You have tried to convince him once but he hates it. So you stop asking since he can get a bit emotional over it.

S (Stamina, how many round can they go for? How long do they usually last?)

Jason is an immortal being so he doesn't sleep. Meaning he can go for endless rounds until you pass out.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

Jason likes using the blindfold but isn't ready for using any other toys. Maybe trying a vibrator but nothing else yet.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

He would never tease you, he feels wrong for doing it to you. However you can tease at times, causing to blush in irritation and embarrassment.

V (Volume, how loud they are, what kind of noises do they make?)

Other than loud moans and the calling of your name, Jason is quiet during sex. You're the one making the loud screams of pleasure.

W (Wild card, random head cannon)

Jason can get insecure when you leave or when he leaves you. Due to his looks he always has second thoughts that you don't love him. That you'll leave for another person who's better looking. But you'd always assure him that you love no matter what.

X (X-ray, what's in their pants?)

Jason is above average, around 9 to 10 inches long and very thick.

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

Jason's sex drive is low, but he can get a little excited at times.

Z (How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

He doesn't sleep but at night he'll stay in bed with you. Holding you in sweet embrace as you fall sleep. Through the whole night until you wake up to kiss his forehead in the morning.

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