The Baby's Gender

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(If the baby has the same name as you then change it)

Jason Voorhees

It's a baby girl!

Sophia Voorhees

Micheal Myers

It's a baby boy!

Logan Myers

Freddy Krueger 

It's a baby boy!

Nathan Krueger

Billy and Stu

It's twin girls! (Both are their father because of Superfecundation)

Annabel and Miranda Loomis/Matcher 

Norman Bates

It's a boy!

Matthew Bates

Hannibal Lector

It's a girl and a boy!

Evelyn and Ethan Lector 

Bubba Sawyer

It's a girl!

Charlotte Sawyer

Thomas Hewitt 

It's triplets! Two boys and one girl.

Jackson, Ryan and Lilly Hewitt

Brahms Heelshire

It's a girl!

Bella Heelshire

Carrie White

It's a boy!

Dylan White

Tiffany Valentine

It's a girl!

Lucy Valentine

Amanda Young

It's a boy!

Harrison Young

Baby Firefly 

It's a girl!

Molly Firefly

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