Thomas and Bubba x Pregnant Reader HC

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Requested by CoreJaBetty69

A/N: Here are some headcannons on how they would react to your pregnancy. I like these types of requests because I'm a sucker for domestic/family scenarios. May edit this later on cause I'm that confident about these headcannons.

Bubba Sawyer

-When you tell Bubba you're pregnant, he will be in a mix of pure happiness and anxiousness. He'll be so happy to finally start having a family with you but will also freak out because you're having a baby! There are multiple things to think of and get that Bubba cannot help but freak out. Just give him some cuddles and reassurance that everything will be fine, and then Bubba will calm down.

-As weeks go by, Bubba will become more protective of you and will begin to stay by your side every hour and every day. If he senses you being in discomfort Bubba immediately tends to your needs. He sees your hand reach to your back whilst you groan? He will suggest that he can give you massages to ease any pain. You complain about certain food cravings? Don't worry! Bubba will get you whatever you're hungry for with some help from his brothers.

-Speaking of his brothers, each will congratulate you both (though Drayton wouldn't be as open about his contentment for his brother). Chop top and Nubbins will be very supportive and help with getting Bubba the items he'll need. Drayton mainly assists with feeding you and getting medicine; he makes sure you are eating the right amount of fruit, vegetables, protein etc.

 -Bubba isn't really the best at handling your mood swings. One second you could be crying and then the next you're angry. When you have these sudden mood swings, Bubba would have to leave you alone before he might cry or have a minor fit.

-He knows you don't get mad or upset at him on purpose (thanks to you or Chop top explaining about hormonal changes during pregnancy), Bubba just isn't that good at handling it. After you've calmed down/Bubba calmed himself, he would come back with some chocolate and cuddles in an attempt to relax you.

-It can be rather overbearing at times with his constant doting, but it isn't that bad, so you don't make that much of a fuss about it.

-As you get further into the pregnancy, you'll stay inside his room whenever there are victims in the house. It would crush Bubba if you or the baby get hurt because he wasn't able to protect you.

-I feel like he'd want a girl but overall doesn't care whether the baby is a boy or a girl.

Thomas Hewitt 

-Tommy will be over the moon when he finds out you're pregnant. Like Bubba, he's excited to start a family with you and wouldn't be as anxious as Bubba. He'd mainly be anxious about protecting you though. Somehow he gets even more protective of you when you're pregnant.

-He's going to be by your side every day and ensure the house is safe and childproof for the baby. Occasionally Thomas will go on walks with you outside the house. Always holding your hand as you talk about baby names or whether you want a boy or a girl.

-Luda Mae will be so proud and supportive of the two of you. She will help the two of you in any way she can: providing appropriate meals for you, knitting baby clothes with Thomas etc.

-Although they won't explicitly express it, Monty and Hoyt will be happy for Thomas to finally have got you knocked up. Hoyt reluctantly drives out of town to buy additional items you'll need.

-Thomas will always wrap his arm around your stomach as you both sleep. If you try to get out of bed during the night, he will hastily wake up to check on you.

-As you get further into the pregnancy, Thomas would keep you in the bedroom to avoid any harm coming to you or the baby. He can't risk the chance of any potential victims hurting you.

-He wouldn't want you down in the basement either. Luda Mae would keep you company upstairs; you can help her with some cooking or maybe you can relax in the living room with her and Monty.

-Thomas doesn't really have a preference on what sex the baby will be. However, he would like to have more than one baby with you. Of course, if you'd just want one baby then Tommy wouldn't force you to actively try for another baby.

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