(The Lost Boys) Michael

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Requested by BlackMagicWitch1982

A (Aftercare)

Michael would like to cuddle after sex with him always being the big spoon. He'd wrap his arms around your body and rest his chin on top of your head. Along with some cheek or forehead kisses.

B (Their favourite body part on you and them)

His favourite body part on you is your hands. Michael can't help but love feeling your soft hands roam his body. His favourite body part on him is his stomach/chest. Michael likes how tight and toned his upper body is.

C (Anything to do with cum)

Michael would prefer to cum inside you but won't if you don't want him to. Usually, he'd ask if you're ok with him coming inside you before making love.

D (Dirty secret)

He really likes it when you play with his hair. The man will just melt upon your fingers trailing through his soft locks of hair. If you play with his hair when he rests his head on your lap, there will be a 50% chance he falls asleep.

E (Experience, how experienced are they?)

He has enough experience; before moving to Santa Carla he did have a girlfriend and he got to fuck Star in the movie.

F (Favorite position)

There isn't one Michael can choose to be overall his favourite; he likes most of them. If you made him choose then Michael would just go with doggy style. Mainly because he likes the view he gets of your beautiful body.

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

Michael will try to make it fully serious but there can be a couple of goofy moments and dirty jokes.

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

There is some hair down there but it isn't crazy. He may be rather anxious if you have a lot of hair below the belt. But if you're adamant about keeping it like that then he won't force you.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

He would want to take things slow and be very passionate in the moment. Taking every second to worship your body.

J (Jacking off, views on masturbation)

Michael only jerks off when he 100% knows he won't get caught. He doesn't even want to think of how embarrassing it would be if anyone in his family or you caught him in the moment.

K (Their kinks)

Praise kink, fem/male soft dom, overstimulation, begging. Michael is a bit vanilla.

L (Location, their favourite place to be intimate.)

It would either be yours or his bedroom; Michael likes the privacy. However, he wouldn't mind that much if you're down to do stuff under the boardwalk.

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

You giving him attention honestly. Michael loves when you compliment his looks, praise him for completing a task/doing cool tricks on his bike, cuddle while you both watch a movie etc.

N (No! Something they wouldn't do)

Anything that is very rough and causes harm to either of you. Michael can't bear the thought of hurting you even if you ask him to get rough; he'll put him very on edge.

O (Oral, preference in giving or receiving)

Michael prefers to receive but doesn't mind going down on you. He'll trail kisses up and down your inner thighs before giving you oral.

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

Slow and sensual. Occasionally he can go fast but not rough since Michael can't bear the thought of hurting you.

Q (Quickies, their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex)

Sure he doesn't mind having quickies; Michael doesn't really have an overall view of them. He is fine with having quickies when you initiate it.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

Depends on the risk. As long as this risk doesn't involve a high chance of someone catching you both, then he's down. 

S (Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they usually last for?)

Can go for 3 rounds since Michael will take his time and ensure every inch of your body is worshipped.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

I don't see Michael being that interested in using toys. Maybe he'd try using a blindfold or rope but using anything else then he may need some convincing.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

It's more likely you tease him than he teases you. When Michael attempts to tease you it's sometimes silly but cute.

V (Volume, how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

Michael tries to stay quiet, mainly because he'd rather hear your sounds. Yet he'll sometimes let out a couple of moans and groans.

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

I doubt I am the only one who thinks this but Michael is a total himbo. He is such a sweetheart and sometimes will do stupid things to make you smile.

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

He is around average size (5.6 inches) and rather thick.

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

It's a little high but it won't be that obvious.

Z( How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

It won't take long for him to go to sleep. After sex, if he gets to cuddle you then he'd be asleep in about 5 minutes.

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