Chapter 28: A Brother's Revenge Pt 2

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Gohan and Veltro fought side by side, their motions completely in sync. Gohan's instincts were the only thing driving him. Veltro saw every move he needed to make and matched Gohan. Frieza's temper rose with each close call. These two brats, how dare they think that they could attack him, that they stood a chance against him, he'd show them. He'd teach them a lesson.

Gohan nailed Frieza in the face with his knee, Veltro kicked him into the ground and both boys charged up their own special attacks.

"Now!" Gohan and Veltro shouted at the exact same time. Maybe it was their shared love of V that did it, or maybe V's spirit was guiding them. No matter what it was, the boys didn't question how they accomplished this synced attack, right now their only objective was to kill Frieza.

"Veltro." Gohan grabbed his wrist and the boys spun, sharing their energy and boosting their move.

"Super Masenko!" The boys yelled firing their attack at Frieza. Frieza's eyes widened as the attack drew closer to him, so much faster than he thought it would be, I ... can I block that? I don' think I can block that in this form I have to power up to my next form to be able to block it. I don't have enough time!

The world exploded into light and noise and raw power, Gohan and Veltro hovered there, slowly sinking as their energy depleted.

"was that.... Was that enough?" Veltro stared at the smoking reaching out for energy but as far as he could feel there was nothing there.

"i... I don't feel him." Gohan pouted. Both boys sank to the ground, V laid a few feet in front of them, how hadn't she moved even an inch... she was just that strong, that was immoveable even in... sleep. Because she was sleeping.

Veltro and Gohan looked at each other neither one of them able to think the word that everyone else was thinking. V was just too strong for that... she was just... she just can't be...gone...

"Veroca..." Veltro knelt beside V "Veroca wake up now, we got him, look, we got Veroca or V, you like to be called V now right, I can do that, I can call you V if you like that better."

"Let her sleep, she's tired, she just had to fight Frieza by herself."

"You... you're right." Veltro pulled V into his lap and hugged her. "She just needs a nap and then she'll be fine."

"Yeah... right..." Gohan sat beside V and held her hand. His reality was rushing toward him the less he felt her presence. The warmth of her hands, the space her mere being occupied but... there was still a piece of her with him. He held onto that because with that there it wasn't possible for her to be gone like everyone thought."

"You Stupid brats think you could possibly stop me!" Frieza tore out of the rubble, that was definitely his energy but he looked completely different.

"Gohan..." Veltro gulped. Gohan took one glance at V. Still, empty... gone.

"She's dead isn't she?" Gohan felt something slipping. Veltro's eyes snapped up to his. No... no she... she can't be. You can feel her right? Even a little, right?"

Gohan felt his heart shattering, his soul mourning something he didn't want to know.

"Gohan, you can feel her right!" Veltr shouted. Frieza glared at the monkeys. Stupid stupid monkeys. They were so incpable they were crying over their dead monkey friend instead of worrying about their own lives, not that they could do anything to stop him now.

"You can feel her right! You're her soul mate you can still feel her soul right just because we can't feel her energ—"


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