Chapter 15: Enter The Ginyu Force

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Something was wrong, V's energy felt really weird. It felt like she maxed out on speed and then all of a sudden, she was catching back up to Burter. Gohan never doubted that V could accomplish her goal but he was getting worried, that dark energy from before and now he can feel something similar to Burter's energy in her.

Are you okay? Gohan asked using their connection freely. He couldn't believe how easy it was to fall right back into each other like this. How much better—more complete he felt with V.

I'm okay V answered back, she was still resisting the connection but she couldn't spare any focus, she had to keep them distracted, with the feel of these guys' energy she was their best shot at getting them through this until dad could get there and save them.

Please be careful Gohan pleaded with her.

Please tell Veltro to calm his thoughts down, they're making it hard to focus. V sounded tired or maybe she felt tired, Gohan had trouble differentiating these kinds of things when it came to V.

"Veltro." Gohan didn't want to move from his spot and make V miss him.

"What?" Veltro tried not to be annoyed, he knew V let Gohan back in by the way Gohan was staring after her, he always gets this look on his face when he's talking to V in his head.

"V said to calm your thoughts, they're distracting her." Gohan didn't think anything of it but Veltro balled his hands into fists "your thoughts are distracting her—"

"Veltro." Dronare barked at his son. He never thought he'd have to deal with something like this. Of course, Dronare was aware of other planets relational customs, Earth not as familiar but he had been a few places and he knew aliens liked to pair up and create familial units, not unlike the one he created with Veltro but instead of a physic bond it was a partnership with one another and creating a new life together. Dronare wouldn't be surprised if Gohan and V did that when they grew older. Dronare hoped not, he didn't want to see what it would do to Veltro. Veltro himself doesn't even know what he feels for Veroca but he'd understand it when he gets older. Dronare wasn't sure if he should hope for Veltro's feelings for Veroca to fade or wish for Veroca to somehow shift her bond from Gohan to Veltro. He supposed either one would solve his problem but Veltro would only want one of those scenarios.

Gohan watched Dronare eye Veltro, he could only imagine what Dronare was thinking but he looked like he was trying to figure a difficult problem out. Dronare shifted his eyes to Gohan. Gohan avoided Dronare's eyes and looked for V instead, he could feel her getting closer. Gohan doubted Dronare was thrilled that V had bonded with Gohan and not Veltro, Dronare was the one that has to take care of Veltro. Gohan knew his father wouldn't want Gohan to hurt in any way but Veltro and V could still be friends. V and Gohan would just be bonded and be brother and sister and Veltro could be her best friend... that lives on a different planet.

"Gohan!" Veltro pointed at V flying toward them, V's energy pulsed and writhed in a different rhythm than Gohan was used to and... V WAS IN THE LEAD!

"What!" Vegeta exclaimed the loudest of any of them. Burter was just beside her, his face pinched in pure rage as V sped headlong toward the finish line.

"V!" Gohan held his hand up for V to tag.

"Burter!" Recoome shouted sliding a mischievous look at Gohan. V drew closer, extending her hand toward Gohan.

"Sorry little guy." Recoome shoved Gohan several feet across the ground, he tumbled and rolled and landed on his back with his feet by his head.

"You big cheater!" Gohan yelled at Recoome as V flew past the finish line and Burter tagged Recoome's hand.

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