Chapter 3: Trust Her?

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Space was strange, it took over everything and nothing at the same time. V supposed that was why it was called space, there was really no other name for it. Abyss wasn't right, no, that promised an end somewhere, black hole? No, that hinted at edges to contain it's endlessness. V had been around the galaxy in her short four years, she imagined even more places than she actually remembered. Although, it was a funny thought to imagine Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz carrying around a little baby with them. I wonder who changed me? V mused staring into the vastness of space.

"V, it's your turn." Gohan pulled V away from the window and over Bulma's trash laying on the ground.

"Um... Gohan." Krillin stuttered nervously "are you sure you she wouldn't rather spar with you?" Krillin gulped, last time he and V sparred she had moved so fast it made him dizzy, it almost felt like he was losing energy. Krillin shivered, Goku might have been ready to fully accept that alien but he wasn't so sure she was good guy material.

"I didn't ask to spar with you anyway." V huffed, frowning and scrunching up her face.

"I didn't say anything." Krillin tried to defend himself.

"You didn't have to. I can feel it." V crossed her arms and turned her back on him.

"What do ya mean you can 'feel it'?" Krillin demanded, what kind of powers does this girl have? Krillin was becoming more and more wary of this girl the more he got to know her. Chichi was holding off for a reason and Krillin was going to find that out before V had a chance to hurt him or any of his friends.

"Just go away." V threw an empty can at him. Gohan knew it wasn't the time but he wanted to laugh at how childish the act was, V acted so much older sometimes and then she did things so young.

"V, he didn't say anything." Gohan went over to her and tried to talk to her

"He doesn't have to say it, I can feel it." V felt Krillin's disapproval and mistrust like a physical weight pressing against her.

"How can you feel it?" Gohan asked immediately thinking of how he felt V differently than he felt the others. He almost felt V twice, her energy and then, it was like a sense of her.

"I don't know, it started during training with Mr. Piccolo." V shrugged "I could just feel things, but they were coming from other people and not from me."

"Can you feel things from me?" Gohan asked, V nodded and a smile broke out over her face "you most of all!" She exclaimed happily "from much farther away too."

"Seriously?" Gohan asked, he tried to think of how far his sense of V went but they hadn't strayed too far from each other since they met, he'd have to test that out sometime.

"Hey, Gohan?" Krillin asked "don't you think this is a bit weird that she hasn't said anything to anyone about this little power of hers before now?"

"No." Gohan said innocently "she doesn't know all of our powers yet and you're not giving her a whole lot of reason for her to open up to you." Gohan narrowed his eyes slightly. V felt Gohan's defenses rise...for her. She was used to being allowed to be angry, being rewarded and praised for having a temper, so to reign it in for the time that she had done so was impressive to her. But when Gohan defended her, V's anger dissipated and all she could feel was that Gohan cared about her. V threw her arms around Gohan and squeezed him. Gohan just looked at her "What'd I do?" Gohan chuckled. V just squeezed him because she could and he wouldn't get angry. Gohan couldn't understand what he felt from V with his extra sense of her but it was so alive and forceful it nearly overwhelmed Gohan.

"Just be careful." Krillin whispered to Gohan. Gohan sighed but he didn't want to argue, it would just upset V.

"Would you guys mind cleaning up around here?" Bulma yawned and stretched as she climbed out of her bed in nothing but her crop top and underwear. V couldn't imagine walking around in something like that, how in the world did she expect to fight in something like that?

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