Chapter 2: Back into Space

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"Wow, you really respect Piccolo, huh?" Krillin noted directing his question more toward Gohan than V as Gohan and V walked out in mini Piccolo outfits.

"yeah." Gohan smiled "about as much as my dad." V ignored Krillin right back, Piccolo would talk to her when they got him back.

"Does your mom know you packed that?" Krillin asked with a sly smile on his face.

"not... really." Gohan sighed, he wanted to tell his mom but there was no way she'd have let him and then he'd be stuck in that suit she had given him for the entire time.

"You're not gonna tell her, are you?" V asked worried, mom would be so upset if she knew V changed. The thought of making Chichi angry or even hurting Chichi's feelings made V feel bad. She just wanted Chichi to like her.

"Chill out." Krillin chuckled rubbing the back of his head and waving his hand as if he were fanning a fire "I'm not gonna say anything great, five minutes in and I've already almost made both kids cry. Sheesh, maybe I shouldn't have any kids.

"Thanks Krillin." Gohan sighed in relief this time and beamed over at his friend. V smiled awkwardly at Krillin

"Thanks, Krillin." V mimicked Gohan, she wasn't all that great at Earthling customs yet. She was able to pick a lot up but 'thank you' wasn't all that common where she came from.

"sure," Krillin said trying to avoid making, some of the strongest fighters he'd ever seen, almost cry again.

"Wow." Gohan ran to the window and looked into the vastness of space. "V you've got to come see this!" Gohan exclaimed giggling, it went on forever. V joined him although it was a sight she'd seen a hundred times before.

"We've got to be the youngest space travelers ever!" Gohan laughed thinking about how his mother was doing back on Earth and if she was even the slightest bit proud of him and V for traveling into space. Who knew Gohan might even try to make his very own discovery. Gohan smiled even bigger at the thought of discovering something he could bring back and share with Earth, being the youngest space traveler and making a new discovery all before he was six, would Chichi be happy then? He looked to V and saw a strange expression on her face, she felt happy and fearful at the same time but her eyes were wide as dinner plates as she stared into the emptiness. Maybe V wasn't ready to go back into space after all. Maybe she was afraid of space, she was basically held captive all these years, forced to travel from planet to planet and watch, if not help take over, each planet along the way.

"Are you okay?" Gohan asked V quietly. V didn't answer or even acknowledge that she had heard him, she just kept staring out the window, as if she were waiting for something.

"V..." Gohan tried to get her attention again but he was afraid to speak too loudly, maybe she was in some kind of trance. If he pulled her out of it was it like waking up a sleep walker? Gohan wished he could spend more time studying PTSD, he was pretty sure V had it and he didn't have any idea how to help her.

"Come on, V, are you hungry." Gohan tried to entice her "mom packed us lots of snacks." Gohan pulled out a rice ball and offered it to V but V still wasn't fazed.

"What's wrong kid?" Bulma asked leaning over V.

"Hey, V, are you okay?" Krillin stepped in front of V but V was still staring passed him. 

"V, V what's wrong?" Gohan grabbed V's arms and shook her, he didn't care if she blew up the ship if she just snapped out of this trance.

"I feel..." V finally said "...something..." V shifted her gaze from the window to Gohan "er...someone." V shook her head and the feeling faded.

"I want a snack!" V said suddenly as if she had missed everything since Gohan asked about snacks.

"Uh... sure..." Gohan picked the snacks back out of the bag and gave some to V. "Yum, I'm so hungry." V dropped right on the ground and dug into the snacks, her strange behavior completely forgotten. Gohan and the other exchanged looks but V was oblivious

"Come on Gohan, you've gotta try this." V shoved a random snack into his mouth "isn't mom the best cook?"

"uh... yeah." Gohan sat with her, Bulma went back to the captain's seat and Krillin just dropped back into his chair, these Saiyans were just the strangest race.

Sorry about the forever long update. My MacBook was stolen so I did not have a device to write with. Updates will be more regular now. Thanks for sticking around.

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