Chapter 13: Find Her

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"Somethings wrong." Gohan was getting light headed suddenly "Something's wrong with V." Gohan stumbled against a boulder. He pressed his hand against it to keep himself up right.

"What's happening?" Veltro flew up to Gohan's face giving him no breathing space. Gohan didn't care though, he just shook his head "there's this cold... evil energy surrounding V, it pushed me away and I think... I think Piccolo was trying to talk to her because I could have sworn I felt his him."

"Piccolo, that's the Namekian that trained you guys, right?" Veltro asked. Gohan nodded "yeah, V is really close to him."

"Is someone trying to control her?" Veltro asked, he hadn't ever met someone who could  control someone's mind but Frieza seemed like the kind of guy that might have that power.

"No, she was pushing me away again and then I felt Piccolo's energy and then there was this rush of that energy and it wrapped around V and I couldn't get back in, even getting close to it felt awful." Gohan shivered and guilt pressed against him I ran away and I left V with that thing Gohan closed his eyes. Veltro shoved Gohan

"You left her?" Veltro's voice echoed Gohan's own guilt.

"I-I didn't mean to." Gohan stuttered hating himself for his own cowardice.

"You didn't mean to but you did, you did because you care about yourself more than you care about Veroca."

"V is the strong one!" Gohan yelled at Veltro "she's the one that makes me brave, without her I'm just... I'm just me."

"Well you're going to have to be brave for yourself because Veroca isn't here to do it for you." Veltro snapped "If you're really bonded like Dronare says you are then you can find her and nothing in the universe can keep you guys a part." Veltro's voice was rising he should have been bonded with Veroca but he wasn't, not like Gohan was but Veltro refused to believe that Gohan cared for Veroca more than he did.

"I can't find her, she closed me out," Gohan shook his head "she's stronger than me, she's too strong."

"You can share her strength but you have to get close and you have to let her energy wash over you, you can't fight it, you can't resist it. No matter what it feels like you have to let her power mix with yours and then you can use her power." Veltro instructed.

"Won't that take power from her?" Gohan asked concerned about how it would affect V.

Veltro shook his head "you're still thinking that you're two different people. While you're physically two different people you only have one soul, that soul is only complete with her. Don't push against her defenses, embrace them, let them into you."

"How?" Gohan asked frustrated, if only his dad were here, he'd fix everything.

"I can't tell you how, I'm not the one bonded with her." Veltro couldn't help the bitterness in his voice but he didn't really care if Gohan heard it, all he cared about right then was Veroca, if they could make Veroca okay then everything would be okay. Veltro nodded to himself affirming his own thoughts. Veroca is good and I'm gonna make sure everyone sees it. Veltro thought determinedly.

Gohan couldn't figure out why he felt so isolated, he felt weak and afraid, even more so than ever before. Is it because I borrowed V's courage or did she do something else when she pushed me away? Gohan wondered, he wished he could just get V to talk to him.  I know you're doing this to protect me, V, but you're just making this harder.

"Get up, we have to go." Veltro grabbed Gohan and dragged him a few steps before Gohan caught his footing and followed.

"You really care about, V." Gohan finally admitted.

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