Chapter 25: Desperation

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Vegeta watched in annoyance and rage, where is she getting all this energy? Vegeta's hands trembled with his anger. she is nothing, she was barely a pet, she could have died, and no one would care... so how is it she was here fighting with Frieza? Ho was it she was holding her own against Frieza and me, the prince of Saiyans trembling on the ground. No... no...

I won't stand for this I won't die like a coward.

V charged toward Frieza and kicked him into the air, she filled her hands with the energy in her body and fired.

"Don't touch them!" she screamed

That little brat had all this in her? frieza was surprised by how strong the blast was, much stronger than anything Vegeta had ever thrown out surely, stronger than any saiyan he had ever come across before. She was exactly what he had to extinguish, this hope, the very idea that they had a chance to rise above him, as if they could even come near him. Look at what the freedom he allowed Vegeta did to the stupid monkey, he had deluded himself into thinking that his little plan would work. Had the saiyan prince been able to make is immortal wish, Frieza simply would have tortured him day after miserable day because no saiyan could touch him, no being could compete with him, nothing could stop him. The saiyan prince was no exception, this half breed saiyan brat was no different. They were less than the dirt left behind by the planets he destroyed.

"Go to Hell!" V screamed, releasing all of the energy in her hands, she kept drawing more from around her, from Vegeta, from Dende and Dronare and Krillin and yes, even Frieza, she copied all of their energies and concentrate them into a mix mashed blast she had very little control over.

"I'll tear myself apart if it means bringing you with me!" V screamed at him. She shoved the energy forward, screaming, releasing every bit of pain and sorrow she had stored up, every bit of anger, every drop of defiance in her body used up, the only thing keeping her up was her stubbornness.

"How noble of you." Frieza charged through her blast "but you'll be dying alone." Frieza blasted her in the face, point blank range. V released another scream as she flew across the dirt.

"V!" Dronare and Dende rushed to her. V blasted straight passed them

What are you still doing here! She threw the thought at Dronare and Dende.

You have to go! I can't hold him off forever

"She doesn't plan on escaping..." Dronare realized, horror filled him, he couldn't watch Veltro do that again, he couldn't watch his son hurt like that again.

Veroca you get back here! He yelled you can't leave Veltro again.

Veltro can live without me, V cast a sharp glare at Dronare as she charged forward again, he can't live without you V tackled Frieza, or at least she tried, he side stepped and slapped her with her tail. She hit the ground and jumped right back from the crater she landed in; her body pulled threatening to rip with every movement.

Please go V begged, she managed the dodged his tail this time but he was too fast and as soon as he moved he kicked her into the ground, she cried out as she struck the ground, her lungs burned, her ribs ached, her skin felt like paper.

Please go. V willed them to feel the danger they were in, this was not a fight they could win together, they would be lucky if V could get the others out of the way, if she was lucky Frieza would finish her off and then go for Vegeta, at least the others would have more time to escape.

Please go.

Krillin her her cries, she sounded bad. Why was she doing this? Gohan wasn't even here, he knew she only did things to benefit Gohan, she wouldn't protect them out of the kindness of her own heart, but she was telling them to go. To run, even if it meant her dying.

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