Chapter 24: V vs Vegeta

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"Did you just steal my wish?" Vegeta growled stalking toward V.

"Do whatever you want to me, you can't hurt me now." V smirked. The dark energy swirled without the influence of Gohan to calm it.

"Watch me." Vegeta charged forward snatching V from the group and slamming her face into the ground. She wrapped her tail around Vegeta's arm and pulled herself toward him.

"It doesn't matter what you do to me." V slammed her fist into his face and rammed her head into his skull, successfully shaking him loose. She powered up two blasts in her hands and launched them at him. They hit and V was actually surprised when they knocked him into the ground. She followed through and kicked him deeper into his crater.

"You always think you can go around telling everyone what to do." She jumped away from him and her hands gathered energy.

"You always think you're better than everyone else." The energy she gathered grew.

"You always think you can hurt people and get away with it." her body felt like it was on fire, she drew from the core of her strength, there as no one here to look down on here for this, no one to stop her this time.

"I hate you, Vegeta!" she launched the blast but Vegeta just smiled and then he was gone and the blast hit and then he was in front of her.

"Die." Vegeta blasted her into the sky, followed after her and elbowed her into the planet, namek shook with her impact. He powered up his ons blast.

"Let me show you a real Saiyan's anger.... GALIK." Purple energy swirled in his hands, "GUN!" A direct hit.

"Veroca!!" Dende called out. V didn't get up. Dronare and Krillin just stared. Even Krillin felt bad.

"Veroca." Dronare ground his teeth, what could he do? This alien as too strong.

"Still worthless" Vegeta cackled "after all this training, and spouting all this nonsense about your new family. You're still weak, you still can't stand shoulder to shoulder with me." He laughed, landing at her head. He pressed his boot into her head and rubbed her face into the ground.

"If you beg I'll spare their lives." Vegeta held his hand out to the others.

"Dammit..." Krillin ground his teeth together.

"Don't touch them." V ground pushing herself back onto her knees. Her energy pulsed, growing, swirling around her , her eyes glowed.

"Back for seconds runt?" Vegeta reached to pick her up by her hair. V tackled him surged forward by a burst of energy. V's body ached with the increased energy, it was not her energy, that much was clear.

Where did all this power come from? Vegeta was surprised when her attack actually hurt. She came at him again and again. She was relentless and so incredible fast he was losing sight of her.

Where the hell did this all come from? He tried to get his hands up to block but she got straight passed his defenses.

Five seconds ago she was at my feet, her face in the dirt right where she belonged Vegeta finally caught her eyes and saw it. the spark of that saiyan blood.


"No, V, you can't do this!" Gohan yelled reaching through their bond. She felt so far, she hadn't felt this far ever before. It was painfully empty. It made his very soul ache.

"Wish me back there, Dronare!" Veltro yelled, tears filled his eyes despite how hard he tried to keep them back how could she do this, she was supposed to be his friend, they were supposed to be stronger together.

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