Chapter 1: Aftermath

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Chichi hung the sheets on the clothes lines. It was such a pretty day, quiet, a bit  . Something crashed interrupting the silence and Chichi swung the sheet she was hanging aside "V, how many times do I have to tell you to watch your tail-" Chichi froze when the wind blew and rolled the half-broken glass around. "oh..." Chichi felt strange without Gohan and V around. V was constantly bumping into things and knocking stuff over with her tail and Gohan was like a constant presence always studying, the shuffling of papers, the sound of pencil on paper. Chichi smiled thinking of her son and the alien girl that had found a way into their home. Honestly, leave it to Goku to pick up a random child and adopt her just like that. Chichi dropped back into the chair and sighed as annoying as Goku could be, she sure missed having her family around even V a part of her mind whispered. A part that she chose to ignore.

            Goku struggled to get out of his bed but they were really getting good at this. "Come on, come on!" Goku winced at the pain in his side, "stupid broken rib." He sighed and looked out the window. He didn't want them to go without him, he'd never tell them that though, especially not Chichi. They needed to know that he believed in them, but still, V had just found a home and Gohan had only been in one fight, had only studied martial arts for a year. Sure there was something inside him that drove him to protect himself when it was necessary but how much power could he have, just enough to hold someone off until help arrived? Enough to finish someone off if he had to? Goku wasn't sure if he even wanted Gohan to have to finish someone off. Gohan was so young, he was so small, even after all that training, he was still so small and V was even smaller, but at least V had experience, space was all she knew up until now.

Please take care of him, V. Goku willed the message to get to her with every bit of mental strength in him. V was a fight, he could see it in every part of her from the way she carried herself to the way she slept, she was a fighter through and through. Gohan was another story, Goku needed to see Gohan in action a few more times before he decided if Gohan was really a fighter or if he only fought because he had to. Still, He couldn't be more proud of them. They fought for the planet and they were traveling across the galaxy to save their friends. Goku nodded and smiled at the sky "don't you worry guys." Goku thought "I'll be there as soon as I can."

            Piccolo looked back as they came to the end of snake way, this realm was strange, he could feel everything, he even had a sense of V and Gohan, they felt very far away from Goku though. He wanted to know what was going on down there. He growled to himself as Chioatzu and Yamcha ran passed him, followed by Tien. Piccolo didn't relish the thought of spending the next eternity training with these morons. V had been a challenge at least, had more to offer, Gohan had so much power in him he didn't even know how to access it. Piccolo smiled thinking of his students. V would have been distracted by everything here, Gohan would have wandered around with a methodical way, the way he looks at everything.

"Kids so stuck in his books he just can't help himself." Piccolo smirked, he never thought he could feel such a gaping chasm in himself before now.

"I'll see you again, kid." Piccolo said clenching his fist, he smiled behind him "you too, brat." Piccolo leapt off the serpents tail and some invisible force yanked him to the ground. Piccolo leapt to his fight, preparing to fight whatever had grabbed him but all that was there was a plum blue man with antenna on his head and the others staggering about as if they could barely hold themselves up.

"Ah, a Namekian." The blue man smiled.

"what is this." Piccolo felt the strain on his body but not like the others, he could still move, if he took off his weights he would move even more freely.

"Don't worry about it, it's just the gravity." The blue man explained "it's ten times that of Earth's"

"Ten times!" Yamcha exclaimed "it feels like something is trying to crush me.

"You'll get used to it." The blue man laughed

Ten times Earth's gravity, eh. Piccolo thought, V said the Saiyans train in this kind of gravity, perfect, this'll make me even stronger. Piccolo clenched his teeth and fists but what's the point if I'll be stuck here with these pathetic beings for the rest of existence. Maybe longer.

"Hey, Goku!" the Blue man called "Goku, are you there?"

"Don't tell me Goku died again." Yamcha groaned still struggling.

"Hey, King Kai." Goku's voice filled the planet, "what's up?"

"Guess who just showed up." The blue man cast a glance at Piccolo.

"no way!" Goku exclaimed "Yamcha, Tien and Chioatzu, you guys all made it."

"You missed one." Piccolo said with a smirk.

"No way, Piccolo, you too?" Goku's laughed filled the entire planet. "this is awesome, you're one of the good guys now, Gohan and V are gonna be so excited when they find out."

"Gohan...V..." Piccolo took an involuntary step toward King Kai. "are they... are they there now?" Piccolo asked.

"No, they're out looking for the Dragon Balls, with Bulma and Krillin." Goku told him.

"But how?" Tien asked "Piccolo was killed and with him Kami, the Dragon Balls, disappeared... didn't they?"

"V has been around the galaxy, guys." Goku pointed out "she knows where there's another set."

"But... that's impossible." Tien stammered.

"Nope, they're heading to Namek now and V knows some of the locals there so she'll be able to ask them for help."  Goku sounded so happy, but Piccolo couldn't help but think V was back out in space and Gohan, who had only been in one fight was with her. Neither of them were truly experienced fighters, V had spent her life getting beat up, sure she could take a hit now but could she win a fight against potentially stronger opponents than Nappa and Vegeta?

"Why didn't you go with them?" Piccolo asked Goku.

"I'm now quite finished healing yet." Goku said sadly "but Dr. Breifs is working on another spaceship and then I'll meet up with them." Goku sounded determined. Piccolo just wished he wasn't stuck here. He glanced at King Kai "you're the one that made Goku so strong, right?"

"Of course, I taught him everything he knows." King Kai said proudly.

"Good, I need you to train me as well then." Piccolo stood before him "I'm ready whevever you are."

"Sorry, Piccolo, it doesn't work that way." King Kai smiled "before you're ready to train with me, you need to pass a few tests."

"Tests?" Yamcha echoed "I can't even stand up here." Yamcha hit the ground again as if punctuating his point.

"Then don't waste your time." Piccolo said  "I'll complete any task you throw at me."

"You'll be forced to reach into parts of yourself you may have never explored before." King Kai warned "it will be rigourous." King Kia smirked.

"Bring it on." Yes Piccolo thought this is what I need.

"You must..." King Kai looked at Yamcha then Chiaotzu.

"Make me..." He turned his gaze on Tien, who clenched his fists in preparation. Finally his eyes fell on Piccolo. "...Laugh..."

Author's Note
I published a book 😁 please check it out

Author's NoteI published a book 😁 please check it out

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