Chapter 10: What am I?...

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V hovered in the air rubbing at her eyes, her body curled up, her tail circling her.

"Krillin!" Gohan called "what are you doing?" Krillin looked at V and let the disc dissipate into the air.

"I'm coming." Krillin flew toward Gohan and they disappeared. V let the flash wear off and sighed Frieza isn't going to be happy she flew back to them.

"you lost them" Zarbon sighed, bored, pushing his hair back "never send a monkey to do a man's job."

V's temper flared at the implication, it shouldn't have but maybe if Krillin hadn't been thinking about killing her, she wouldn't be so angry with him.

"Now, now Zarbon," Frieza actually defended her "children must be taught and all she's had are those other idiots to teach her." Frieza hovered over to V and patted her head "don't worry, you'll have more opportunities to learn." Frieza rested his hand on V's shoulder "after all, you have far too much...potential." Frieza chuckled as if he knew something no one else did. It was likely that he did know something no one else did.

"Come now, V, you'll learn from me." Frieza waved her to his side "Dodoria, go and find those brats." Frieza turned sharp eyes on the Namek huddled over the child. V looked the older Namek in the eye I'm so sorry. She thought toward him. he didn't physically acknowledge it but somehow, V got the sense that he heard her.

"You can tell me the location of the next Dragon Ball and I'll have Dodoria bring your other brat back alive or you can deny me again and I'll make sure you watch him die." Frieza's eyes cut like broken glass, the Namek raised his eyes, V felt the energy gather before he leapt in the air aimed a blast straight at Frieza's face.

"You, insolent fool." Frieza muttered spearing the Namek with his death beam. The Namek hit the ground. V swallowed hard and followed after Frieza as he led them into the sky.

"Did they teach you anything?" Frieza asked V casually.

V considered the question seriously and shrugged "how to take a hit?" she said unsure if that really counted.

"I supposed that's something." Frieza sighed "you seem to have taught yourself a great deal." He noted, was Frieza making small talk with her?

"I didn't want to stay with them." V said honestly "so I made a way out." It was only half true, Goku gave her her way out, but she did choose to stay with them and be good. As good as she can be anyway.

"Well, maybe you'll prove useful at some point along the line, Vegeta proved to be of use, maybe there's hope for you yet."

"I'll be better than Vegeta." V huffed, at least this she didn't have to pretend, she would be better than Vegeta and one day he would know, she was better than him.

"That's the spirit." Frieza chuckled "I love that silly Saiyan pride you all share." Frieza looked her in the eye and said "do you have the pride of a true Saiyan though?"

"Yes." V said with conviction, she could feel the proud bloodline of her ancestors, she didn't have to know her parents, she didn't have to be part of the royal family like Vegeta was, V knew she met Gohan for a reason, she knew she survived for a reason. She was going to be the one to end Frieza, if only to keep him from killing Gohan, she was the one that was going to end him.


"You can't possibly think she's still good." Krillin yelled at him "she just shot at us!"

"Is he talking about Veroca?" Dende asked.

"Krillin, she was helping us, she told me where she was going to blast so that I could dodge it." Gohan didn't yell, not like his mom does, he took after his dad like that.

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