Chapter 19: Power Up

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"So, V." Goku had his hand on Gohan's shoulder as he faced V and Veltro still interlocked. Dronare read Goku's mind trying to figure out what V's father felt about Veltro and V.

"Who's your friend?" Goku smiled at the pair.

"Daddy, this is my best friend, Veltro and his dad Dronare." V smiled proudly. "I met them just before Raditz took me to Earth. He left me here to find out about the Dragon Balls and I found a Veltro instead." V squeezed Veltro's tail with her own as if they were holding hands.

"he wanted me to stay with him here but I didn't want Frieza to come and hurt him." V's smile fell and she looked to Veltro "I just wanted you to be safe."

Veltro smiled "I know, I just needed some time to figure that out." He looked into her deep black eyes, as mysterious as space.

"It doesn't matter though." V dropped her head "Frieza came here anyway, I couldn't keep anyone safe."

"Hey..." Goku knelt in front of his daughter. "that's not true, you kept everyone alive and that's what matters, V." he rested a hand on her head "if it weren't for you, V, I wouldn't have had anyone to save."

"Yeah!" Veltro jumped in "you were willing to die if it meant we got out alive."

"Burter and the others would have killed us for sure if it weren't for your distraction." Gohan didn't know he was doing it but he was feeding her his thoughts and feelings about her, the bravery and care and protection he felt when she was around. Dronare caught tidbits of the feelings and reached out with his own link, letting V feel what Veltro felt for her. Dronare was wary about allowing Veltro to develop more feelings for V but he saw now that there was no way he could stop it. So he was going to give his son the best chance he could get when up against a bond like Gohan and V's. Dronare fed her Veltro's thoughts, the hero pedestal he had put her on and the best memory he had of her, when she and Veltro first played together with the crabs and planting the fields and the party.

V's head was spinning with everything she was feeling. Her father's pride for her. Gohan's love and Veltro, she even felt Veltro's fierce loyalty. Memories of when they first met flashed through her head she felt herself closing up, narrowing the tunnel so that she could get a hold of herself and only a light trickle of the feelings swirled toward the back of her mind where she could look at it but also where it wouldn't distract her.

"Daddy." V met Goku's eyes "Captain Ginyu."

"Huh?" Goku looked at her confused.

"Jeice, he went to go get Captain Ginyu, he's much stronger than the others and he gets very upset when people take out his men, he says it cramps his style." V explained but Goku didn't seem all that concerned.

"Yeah, I knew I felt five energies coming in, our four friends here and then another one..." Goku paused. "yeah, I feel him." Goku stood and Gohan stood by V, Krillin glowered at it and gestured Goku over.

"What is it?" Goku asked lowering his ear to Krillin.

"Look, I know you adopted V and all but do you think it's such a good idea to let her and Gohan spend so much time together?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Goku asked

"Goku." Krillin gave Goku a flat look "V is dangerous."

Goku looked over at his daughter something in the way her face was especially passive made him think she could hear Krillin or at least guessed what he was saying.

"You're right," Goku said "she is dangerous, very dangerous."

"Good." Krillin sighed in relief "you see it too."

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