Chapter 30: V's Back!

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             Gohan was all around her. she could feel everything inside him his scattered panicked thoughts. his fear. his concern and then his determination. that she could link onto. she held it and bolstered it every time it rose and when sadness overwhelmed him she surrounded him with herself.
She had a sense that something was wrong or missing but in this part she had never felt closer to Gohan and she could feel his joy when she gave her energy to him. she could have stayed like this forever. Gohan could do all the talking and she could do all the fighting. this is what it must really meant o be one of her kind. two pieces of a soul meant to be in one body. like this they could live wholly. they’d live and die together and V couldn’t be more content with the idea but there was something nagging at her. the energies outside. That one was Vegeta’s, no doubt and then Frieza’s. and Piccolo’s and… Veltro? Was that massive spike really coming from Veltro? Her Veltro? Who’s demeanor was closer to that of peaceful Namekian. His energy was through the roof and worse than that she could feel his pain. Heart wrenching sorrow taking up the world around them. She inched away from Gohan’s center trying to get a better feel but when she moved away she felt a tug. she was losing her grip on Gohan’s soul and they were splitting into two again. a tunnel led back to her and she could feel her body again. she had lost it before and was simply content to live within Gohan but now she could go back but then she’d have to do all the hard stuff again. Everyone already liked Gohan, they didn’t have to know she was here too. Mom loved Gohan and he was good at talking to people and… and…
V resisted the pull. her body calling her back. Gohan encouraging her to leave. She pulled back harder reaching for his core again.
Please V, come back Gohan’s voice was a gentle coaxing. Warm and inviting and she felt her soul listening.
“Please. Please.” Dende’s quite please reached her through Gohan’s ears. She sighed and let go.
            Going back into her own body was a rush, like a rubber band being released after stretching to it’s full capacity. She squeezed her hands into fists and curled her toes, testing her body. She pushed up and Gohan’s arms wound around her neck. Dende clung to her waist.
“You’re alive!” Gohan hugged her so tight for just a second, she felt like she was still in his center.
“I knew it!” Dende cheered. “I knew you were still with us.”
V blinked a few times gathering herself and then looked Gohan over. “Are you hurt at all?”
He shook his head, tears in his eyes, he quickly blinked them away before anyone else could notice and hugged her again.
“How do you feel?” He asked.
“I’m…” she pursed her lips looking for the word. “I’m fine.” she sighed as if she weren’t but before Gohan could ask anything about it her head snapped to the side and Veltro hung from Frieza’s hand. V leapt to her feet and charged up her blasts, on in each hand and threw the blast straight past Veltro and hit Frieza in the face. He blinked surpired.
“Put him down now.” Her voice carried. “Before I make you.”
Frieza smirked and raised Veltro. “You want this back?”
V powered up another set of blasts and pushed Dende and Gohan back a safe distance. “Yeah.” She pushed more energy into her hands. “I want him.” power coursed through her as always, wild and barely within her control but she expected the pull from Frieza’s power. her own sampling it and integrating it into her own power.
Veltro didn’t move and fear trickled over Vs’s spin. if he killed Veltro she’s end him right now bit finally Veltro moved, turned is head and she quirked a smile at him  
“Come and get him.” Frieza challenged. Veroca crouched, digging her heals into the ground.
“With pleasure.”  V charged. Frieza threw Veltro at her, she twisted out of the way and caught him with her tail before letting him fall back onto the ground a little softer. V swiped at Frieza a blast in her hand and ducked when his tail whipped around for her head. As they fought she could already feel his energy infecting hers. she closed her energy off to it but it was like fighting with one hand behind her back and she struggled just to dodge.
Everyone watched as V took on this tyrant without hesitation. no fear as she barely ducked and dodged. frustration creased her brow but she was acutely unaware of everyone around her. Gohan was a safe distance away and Veltro was done but not dead. that would keep hin out of this fight. She just needed to get them off this planet. she didn’t actually need to win. just distract him,
Gohan She reached for him and it was the same as always. He was right there.
V, Tell me how to help.
Wait for the opportunity and then run for it. I’ll keep him distracted. She narrowly dodged Frieza’s tail but his fist caught her jaw and sent her upward. She shook it off and dove for him.
“Aren’t you a pest.” Frieza sneered.
No! Gohan yelled in her head. I won’t leave you, not ever.
V threw a blast and Freiza’s face and jumped behind him.
If we both die here—
I’d rather die with you than live without you His resolve solidifying his words.
If you get out of here then we both don’t have to die. Just wish me back. V reasoned. We got piccolo back the earth dragon balls are back where they belong.
Gohan took his time answering. Meanwhile pain erupted throughout V’s body as Frieza’s tail connected and sent her soaring across the water and into a mountain.
“You’re heads not in the game.” Frieza mocked her. “Who are you talking to.” he strode over to Veltro and placed a foot on his head. “This one? he’s quite taken with you isn’t he?” he pressed down on Veltro’s skull making him whimper. V struggled to get her barring. She was sure she had never been hit that hard in her life. It felt like her brain got knocked out of her head. She shook herself trying to unscramble her brains as she yanked herself free from the rock. Veltro’s whimper touched her ears and she ripped her leg free of the rubble.
“Don’t touch him!” she yelled back. “You fight me!” She dug herself free from the  debris.
Frieza walks took his foot away from Veltro and his eyes rested on Gohan. “I think you’re more concerned about this one.” Frieza raised a finger to Gohan. Gohan shoved Dende behind the nearby rock and stood as tall as is five-year-old body could manage. Fear slithered through his bones and V felt it. The fear was a chill traveling through him.
“No!” she shrieked rocketing into the air. Power ;eve rising with her fear and fury. V could see Frieza staring at her. arm raised. she charged toward him. A sneer crawled across Frieza’s lips.
“come on come on.” he cajoled her. “You don’t have all day, well… he doesn’t have all day.” Frieza’s head turned to Gohan and V pushed hared trying to summon the same speed she had taken from Berter but she couldn’t go fast enough, she needed to be there now.
“Have I ever told you how clumsy I am?” Frieza asked. V could feel the rise in his power. the attack forming in his finger.
move move move move! she dug into herself trying to get her body to move faster.
“Woops.” Frieza’s smile grew, the blast gathered on his finger and she reached for his energy. it felt thick and dark. she felt heavier for touching it but she moved faster, bolting forward as the purple beam formed a small ball on the tip of his finger. she caught his hand and pushed it up with his energy. Frieza stared in genuine surprise at the tiny Saiyan brat holding onto his hand.
“You’re faster than I gave you credit for.” Anger ticked Frieza’s eye. “but it’s a little soon to be getting cocky.”
V was not cocky in the slightest. On the contrary she saw how close he was to killing Gohan. How close she was to being too late. one more second—no. not even a second , a single moment later and he would be dead. Frieza would have killed him. It was that moment she realized how much he was just toying with them. he could end all of them right now and none of them could stop him. She couldn’t even buy them time if he decided to do that. she wasn’t strong enough.
please go, Gohan she begged him. He had to go. he had to because if he died… V shook the thought away. she had always had a tenuous reason for living beyond the fact that she was hard to kill.
“I think I’m ready to kill you all now.” Frieza grabbed V’s face and shoved her into the ground. flying over her he charged Gohan and Gohan scrambled to get himself ready. to run or to fight. Piccolo bolted in, landing kick to Frieza’s face. V tackled him into the ground.
“Please!” she shrieked again wrapping her arms around Frieza’s waist.
Piccolo jumped back and placed two fingers to his head. “Can you hold him, V?” he asked.
“NO.” she tried anyway. pressing him down with his own energy using it like a weight. Frieza threw her aside again and went straight for Gohan. this was it. what she was afraid of. Gohan was the one person she couldn’t lose and Frieza wanted to take him away just because he could. V dug her fingers into his tail and pulled at his energy willing his strength to be hers. sweat beaded along her forehead and Frieza whipped around just a hair away from Gohan.
V felt Gohan shake himself off and gather his energy. he had to fight. he had to help. he couldn’t let V die again. She felt his will but that was the exact opposite of what she needed him to do. Frieza slammed a kick into her stomach and threw a blast at Gohan.
“No!” V flew after it but Frieza caught her leg and arched her ovhead and straight into the ground. V sent energy to him and Gohan barricaded himself in it. V focused on making it impenetrable. the blast hit and Gohan flew back tumbling across the ground but unhurt. V sighed in relief too soon because Frieza chased him again. Gohan gathered his energy and v pushed more at him barricading him. imagining a ball of energy surrounding him and protecting him like when she was in his core.
“Come here you litte runt.” Frieza grabbed Gohan by his head “How much pressure does it take to make the human skull crack.” Frieza squeezed Gohan’s head in his palm Goohan refrained from actually answering the question.
“Let him go!” V slammed a knee ino Frieza’s head. once… twice… before Frieza batted her away but she pressed in gathering her energy to an edge in her hand she dove under his free arm and over his tail and sliced into his arm. he released Gohan and V shoved him away with a gust of energy.
V now! Piccolo’s voice in her head spurred her into action and V grabbed Frieza around the waist. pulling in his energy, weighing them in place.
“Special beam cannon!” Piccolo released the beam.
Frieza laughed. “This was your big move?” His energy multiplied and V flew back, pain seared through her side and Frieza hovered in the air.
You okay kid? Piccolo asked in her head.
“You’re all pathetic!” Frieza chuckled. “Not one of you has done a bit of damage to me.”
I’m fine. V shook herself. “I cut you.” she reminded him “And don’t get me started on your bruised ego.” she rolled her eyes, channeling her inner Vegeta.
Frieza looked at the slice in his arm and frowned. “With my energy. that hardly counts.”
“Geeze.” v went on. “Didn’t know you were such a sore loser, Frieza. I mean Come on.” She crossed her arms. “Just admit I got you.”
he appeared in front of her, she wasn’t able to track that at all.
“Want to say that again?” he growled at her. she swallowed her fear. there were worst things than death.
“I still got you.” She grit her teeth ready for some kind of pain but the next time she blinked. he was gone and his energy was right behind her. Right … with…
she turned slowly.
Gohan stood stone still, eyes wide. panic filling him as Frieza stood with a finger to the back of his head.
“No V. I think it’s me that has you.” Frieza smirked. V can’t find her lungs to breath. even Piccolo is at a loss of what to do. none of them had been able to keep up with that. NO one felt or saw when he moved. he was there and gone and there again.
She pushed too hard. She needed to keep him occupied not get him to target Gohan. She had thought he’d go after her. she was prepared to be pummeled near if not to death. she didn’t think he’d take it out on Gohan. Why was Frieza such a sore loser! V wanted to scream, would go ape if she could. She wanted Gohan behind her she needed him to live. She started to push her energy to him, sending it through their link to create some kind of barrier but she knew how strong Frieza was. that he was just toying with them this whole time and she was sure that nothing she had would stop his death beam.
I … She reached for Piccolo I don’t know what to do
Don’t make any move yet. Let me think. Piccolo’s voice was even strained and V knew how hopeless this was. There was no way they could save him.
I’m sorry Gohan Tears gathered in her eyes as she dropped them from Frieza and looked to Gohan. He managed a wobbly smile.
“it’s gonna be okay.” his voice shook. “I trust you V.”
It was the worst thing he could have said because any move she made had to be the right one and it had to work or he was dead. he was dead regardless was trying anything better? Frieza killed for sport as it was. he wouldn’t think twice about killing Gohan. It would be nothing to him. another blip on his kill streak.
think V snapped at herself. Think. your baby brother needs you.
“Well.” Frieza sighed. “this has been fun but I do need to get back to massacring this planet.” V felt his eyes on her but she kept her gaze on Gohan. “say your goodbyes now—”
The energy was new, so fast V barley got it but Frieza was frozen. Staring up at a figure.
“Excuse me.” the familiar voice filled V with relief and she and Gohan both collapsed to their knees. Piccolo smirked as if to say Of course. That voice was safety and comfort. “but that’s my son you’re about to kill.”

Author's Note
Working on getting back on a regular posting schedule. One of my writing goals is to be a wattpad star and I'd super appreciate it if my readers who follow my fanfics could show support for my no fanfic stories as well. I have made a separate wattpad account for those stories and would appreciate a follow there as and to check out my new story on it.
Please follow and vote for it. The first 3 chapters are up and Ira going to be on the same schedule as this fanfic. Every Sunday!
Is my other account
As always thanks for reading

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