Chapter 8: Old Friends

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"What are you doing here?" V asked, some new feeling came over V as Veltro looked down at her, he started to laugh

"You look silly like that, don't worry, I'm even stronger now." Veltro threw Kou into another alien and reached his hand down "here, let me help you." V looked at his hand for a moment, he was different, the same but... different.

"I don't need your help." V smacked his hand away, Veltro didn't even flinch, he just smiled "I missed you, Veroca." Veltro grabbed V from the ground and squeezed her.

"Stop, you're mad at me." V pushed him away and frowned at him "you're not my friend anymore."

"Why?" Veltro's smile fell and V could barely stand what she felt from him.

"You said if I told, you wouldn't be my friend anymore." V crossed her arms and glared at the ground.

"V!" Gohan yelled. V snapped into action, ignoring Veltro, V charged into the fight. V tackled Kou "no more games." V warned. She grabbed him and threw him into the ground. Then she grabbed another alien and slammed him into Kou. Krillin and Gohan followed suit, throwing their own opponents on top of Kou.

"But you didn't tell." Veltro said appearing in front of the blast V was forming,

"Veltro, move." V yelled at him.

"we're still friends." Veltro said "You didn't break the promise."

"Veltro, stop it." V yelled at him not lowering the blast.

"Who's he?" Gohan asked flying up beside V with his own blast.

"I'm her friend, who are you?" Veltro asked a little confused and maybe just a little bit jealous. Just looking at the two, Veltro could see something there.

"I'm her brother." Gohan said oblivious to Veltro's tone.

"you didn't say you had a brother." Veltro frowned getting more confused.

"Please, move, Veltro." V pleaded, the soldiers were coming to.

"tell me what's going on first." Veltro said looking between Gohan and V, he was supposed to be her best friend, her family, she chose to leave to keep him safe but now she had a new family?

"That's kind of a long story." Krillin interjected "why don't you help us beat these guys and then we'll all sit and talk, okay?" Krillin met Veltro's eyes, he seemed innocent enough.

"Okay." Veltro finally agreed squeezing between Gohan and V. Gohan didn't seem to notice or mind, which made Veltro feel just a little bit better.

"Now!" V called out. The four released their energy attack together. The attack morphed into a single blast and knocked the pile of soldiers into the ocean. No one else saw it but Veltro did, Veroca's brother's and Veroca's blast were almost drawn together, like two halves of a single thing.

"Who taught you to fly?" Veltro asked eyeing Veroca's bother.

"Piccolo." V said "a Namek who grew up on Earth."

"There was a Namekian on earth?" Veltro asked surprised. V nodded "yeah, two actually but they're the same Namekian in two." V held up two fingers.

"Piccolo and Kami." Gohan filled in, he held his hand out to Veltro "Hi, I'm Gohan."

"Veroca's brother?" Veltro said in a questioning kind of manner sliding his eyes toward V.

"It's V now." V corrected him. Veltro frowned "so..." Veltro dug his foot into the ground "how many things have changed?" Veltro didn't want to be mad at Veroca, he understood why she left before, he really did. It took him some time, but he finally understood and he knew, he just knew she would come back to him and they could be best friends forever.

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