Chapter 26: Take a Stand

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"V..." Gohan felt it, or rather didn't feel it. King Kai jerked his chin.

Take hold."

Gohan couldn't move, Piccolo and Veltro grabbed his hands. Veltro was too afraid to ask why Gohan looked like that. Piccolo felt the same thing Gohan felt.

We're too late...


            V fell to the ground, that brat, how could she think for a second she was more tha a game for him. There was never a chance for her, no, she must have known that, there was no chance, she must have, she still stood against him. She had the blood of a warrior in her, no matter anything else she was still a Saiyan and she died refusing to bow... how then could he stay here on the ground, kneeling to a tyrant that killed his people. That killed his father. That tried to steal every ounce of their dignity and pride. No, no he wouldn't allow this, he would not die a coward. He would stand and win or stand and die, but he would not die doing nothing. He would not die as less than that brat.

            Frieza took aim as the V's body fell from the sky, he had always learned to finish the job, he wouldn't assume she was dead although she couldn't possibly look more dead. Just to make a point Frieza pointed and the beam lit up at the end of his finger.

"Out of the way trash!" Vegeta kicked Frieza so hard and so fast even Frieza was caught off guard. He smashed into the ground. V hit the ground next and Dende broke free of Dronare's grasp and ran to her.

Frieza glared at Vegeta as he pulled himself from the crater. "all of you monkeys are the same." Frieza growled. "stupid to the point of extinction." Frieza charged and slammed his fist into Vegeta's face, Vegeta plummeted into the ground.

"I WILL NOT DIE BY YOUR HAND!" Vegeta charged again, two blasts powered up in his hands, Frieza hadn't expected him to bounce back so fast. Vegeta blasted him in the face and followed up with a punch punch kick combo, he charged again and again and Frieza was surprised, Vegeta really had gotten stronger, he might be of some real use. Frieza did need someone now that most of his elite forces were taken out, if he could just beat the proper sense into Vegeta he would take him back but this loss would have to be so painful, so damaging to his pride that the stupid monkey wouldn't so much as dare to look him in the eye without direct permission.

Vegeta through a barrage of blasts at him and followed through with another combo, sending Frieza into the ground again. He was really doing it, he was taking Frieza down, once he beat Frieza there would be no stopping him. Vegeta wouldn't hesitate to kill them all, anyone who stepped in his way, anyone who challenged him, anyone he wanted he would kill them without hesitation. He would be the tyrant everyone feared, he would be unstoppable. Vegeta could see it no, he'd take down Frieza and take up his mantle and spread fear far wider, far deeper than Frieza ever could.

            Dronare caught up to Dende and dragged him away.

"We have to help her!" Dende cried.

"She scarified herself for us, will you take that from her by dying anyway? That tyrant will kill Vegeta next and then he'll kill us, we have to get as far away as possible.

Dronare was halfhearted in all his words, he did not want to leave her, he didn't want her. he was more afraid that he would confirm she was dead if he went any closer. She could still be alive; he couldn't feel anything coming from her, but she could still be alive.

"we can help her still, I can help her." Dende squirmed but he was not a fighter he was a... Dronare had forgotten, he only saw the boy on occasions.

"You're a healer." Dronare almost shook with the hope building inside him.

"Yes, I can help her." Dende looked up at Dronare with his sad eyes, he heard his internal thought if she's still alive

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