Chapter 29: Frieza's Games

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"GOHAN!" Piccolo tackled Gohan out of the beam barely dodging the beam himself.

"Piccolo?" Gohan peered up at his mentor, tears in his eyes.

"You okay kid?" Piccolo held Gohan gently.

Gohan's face contorted into sorrow and pain "no... she's... she's gone. Mr. Piccolo." Gohan hid in Piccolo's arms.

"No, she's not."

"What... but..."

"We'll talk about it after we take care of Frieza." Piccolo glared across the field at Frieza, this monster who was ready to kill Gohan, who was ready to do anything he could to kill V. Piccolo refused to allow it. No matter what it cost him, he would protect his students.

"What do we do?" Gohan asked struggling to his feet. A flicker of V's energy swelled inside him. Somehow, she was still there.

"We win." Piccolo stood, his new power rising.

"How do we do that?" Gohan asked, they would win, he just needed to figure out how.

Piccolo smirked and rested a hand on Gohan's head.  "Leave it to me, kid."

Frieza's anger grew. "You're all like roaches!" his tail smacked against the ground. "You keep coming out of the wood work no matter how many of you I kill." His tail cracks against the ground again. "It doesn't matter." A smile crawls across his face. "Now that I'm in my final form, you're all dead." Frieza's power was impressive. It sent a chill down all the z warriors spines, Dende trembled hidden behind his rock but Piccolo glanced at V's still form. Gohan felt her warmth beating inside his core, Veltro held onto V and lost his ability to feel. Each one was acutely aware that Frieza was thousands of times stronger than them but with V's body as a solid reminder and anger burning in each of them they took a simultaneous step forward.

"Out of my way!" Vegeta charged forward. Nearly knocking Veltro over in his rush.

"You first, huh?"  Frieza stepped back and leaned forward, powering up a blast in each hand. "It's only fitting that I be the one that ends you." Frieza waited for Vegeta to get closer... closer.

Vegeta swiped at Frieza but he dodged easily.

"You think you can come here and talk down to me!" Vegeta raged striking and missing again. "You think that a low life like you could possibly be the thing that takes the great prince Vegeta down!" Vegeta powers up and his next hit connects and the one after that and the one after that and Vegeta pushes him back.

            The other fighters stare in awe at the prince as he rallied and took control. Frieza's head snapped to the side and Vegeta smirked, confidence surging through him as his next attack connected as well.

"Next time make sure you kill me." Vegeta growled sending Frieza into the ground. "Because every time you don't I'll just come back stronger." He locked his hands overhead and slammed them into Frieza's skull. "And now it's too late." he kicked Frieza across the field. "Now your done—"

Frieza caught Vegeta by his face and held him there. "Really Vegeta." he chortled. "It's absolutely pathetic how gullible you are." Frieza stood, his fingers digging into Frieza's head. "It's so sad I should just..."  a wicked smile crawls across Frieza's lips. "Put you out of your misery." Frieza slammed Vegeta into the ground and then through him into the sky. He aimed a finger at him. charging up a beam but Gohan moved first. he threw a blast at Frieza's hand and knocked it just off course enough to make the beam miss Vegeta. Irritation curled Frieza's lip.

"You little brat." He appeared in front of Gohan before anyone could track the motion. Piccolo reached for Gohan as Frieza charged up a blast right in his face. Gohan glared at him but for once the fear was gone. In place was harnessed energy that expanded from his center and surrounded him as Frieza's blast went off.

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