Chapter 4: HIM...

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"Hello!" Krillin called out "you guys are the ones who captured us, remember!" Krillin yelled walking forward. V thought it was funny he was trying to be the tough one. He was scared and he was bad at pretending he wasn't. V wasn't sure if she could be the leader type like her new dad but looking at Gohan, she swore to try.

"You don't know what planet they're from." V cautioned Krillin "you don't want to offend them."

"Oh yeah, miss space traveler, what do you suggest we do then?" Krillin asked a bit snidely. Krillin had had it up to here with this girl. She wasn't Goku's kid!

"Hello?" V stepped to the front of the pack, Gohan behind her and Krillin behind him and Bulma cowering behind Krillin. V would never understand earth girls like Bulma. V's mom would never act like that.

"We're friends." V offered a genuine smile, of course when Vegeta had taught her this it was always to turn their trust back and take, whoever it was unlucky enough to fall in Vegeta's path, down from the inside out. "We're travelers." No one spoke, no one came out.

"Oh yeah, that worked out great." Krillin rolled his eyes.

"At least she's doing something." Bulma snapped at him knocking him over the head with his fist.

"Not you too." Krillin groaned "she's not one of us."

"yes she is, Krillin." Gohan snapped, V felt the rise in his energy. "She's my sister and she's one of us." Gohan kept his head down and his fists clenched, he wasn't quite used to this power yet. The destructive energy he felt inside himself scared him, especially in times like this, times when his rare temper was provoked and he could feel something inside him waiting to slip. V took his hand "you'll get used to it." She smiled at him and pulled him along beside her. Krillin grumbled some unintelligible words but followed with Bulma still clinging to him.

"Do you smell that?" Gohan and V said at the same time.

"That smells so good." V mmmed and followed the scent trail down the hall.

"It almost smells as good as mom's cooking." Gohan commented.

"Yeah!" V and Gohan took off down the hall, as excited for a real meal as V was there was something nagging at the back of her mind.

"Oh, wow!" Gohan exclaimed at the sight of the buffet in the middle of the room. From V's experience this would not be the strangest greeting she had ever received but there was something else, negative energy tinged the room.

"This looks so good." Bulma giggled "finally some aliens who know how to treat a lady." Bulma plopped down in the chair and V heard the click of a trap.

"Gohan!" V drove and snatched Gohan out of the way although it only took V a second to realize he was already reacting. He's learning V thought happily.

"Watch out!" Krillin tried to grab Bulma but the chair was the trap, as soon as the trap snapped shut Bulma whizzed out from it and dangled from the ceiling.

"Bulma!" Gohan wriggled out of V's arms and ran toward Bulma.

"Wait." V cautioned as soldiers emerged from every corner surrounding them. V didn't sense any special power levels but they could have just been hiding their power.

"Nobody move!" A young voice ordered them. V heard the insecurity in it. Vegeta taught her too much about weaknesses, maybe Krillin was right, maybe she just knew too much about being bad to be good. V shook the thoughts away despite her internal struggles, she needed to protect Gohan, she needed to make sure they got to Namek and they wished Piccolo and everyone else back to life.

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