Chapter 20: Who's Who

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"So this is him." Captain Ginyu stood before Goku with Jeice at his side. Vegeta stood just behind Goku.

"Yeah, that's him." Jeice smirked at Goku.

Goku stood strong as stone, ready to fight for his family and this planet.

Vegeta's energy spiked and he chuckled "See you later Kakarot."

"No!" Goku exclaimed s Vegeta bolted and Captain Ginyu Struck.

Captain Ginyu flew across the field and hammered Goku with a strong fist. He staggered but righted himself and when Ginyu came round for another blow, Goku was ready. He dodged and swung and watched.

Captain Ginyu was used to being the strongest, he did not need to win a fight with too much thought but that didn't mean he wasn't smart.

The two traded blows, knocking each other back and forth, testing each other's strengths and trying to find a weakness. Goku allowed himself to be a punching bag while he searched for a weakness.

He fell into easy traps and then caught himself before any real damage could be done. Even playing he could feel Ginyu's Strength but... he could win.

Facing off once again the two stared each other down

I can't let this drag on Goku Thought, my kids, Krillin, the Nemekians, they need my help and who knows where Vegeta's headed, although V could take him. She doesn't know it but she could take him right now if she needed to.

"Enough games." Ginyu spat a bit of blood from his mouth. Lucky shot.

"What do you mean?" Goku couldn't keep the smile off his face.

"show me what you're really made of, I know you can hide your power level."

"So, you figured that much out, huh?" Goku rubbed his nose and rested his hand on his hip.

"Why don't you quite fooling around." Now Ginyu smirked and Goku got the sense a threat was coming

"so that I can finish you off and then this miserable planet."

Goku frowned and Ginyu's grin widened. "don't worry about the boy and Veroca. Frieza will put them to use."

"You should know better than to threaten a man's kids." Goku tacked on a confident smile because of course, this was all show, a game that he had the upper hand in because for all the strength he sensed in Captain Ginyu. Goku was stronger.

"but if you're so excited to see how strong I really am..." he met Captain Ginyu's gaze "Sit back and have a look."

Goku widened his stance, he gathered his energy, every muscle in his body tensing as he drew his inner strength out his energy surged and swirled. He concentrated it into himself, bring It out and wrapping it around him like armor.

"That's it." Ginyu watched at Goku powered up. His Scouter beeped as it listed the ever increasing numbers reading Goku's power level.

The numbers climbed to 50,000

Easily soaring up to 100,000

"hey... wait." Ginyu's fear was almost debilitating. "stop that."

"Captain, he's-"

"Shut up!" Ginyu snapped at him.

"but, Sir, this might be a good time to go get Frieza."

"I said shut up, Jeice!" Ginyu snapped as Goku's power level hit 115,000 "I can handle this."

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