Chapter 22: Recovery Time

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      "PLEASE NO! NO NEEDLES, I'D RATHER DIE!" Goku struggled to get away but in his weakened state there wasn't much he could do.

"You're not going to get a needle you idiot." Vegeta shoved some things out of the way.

"Why are these so old?" V asked grimacing at the old machines

"I... broke them." He cleared his throat and set the machine up.

"No needles?" Goku stared at them suspiciously.

"No, needles daddy, just a healing tank." V assured him hovering up a bit higher so that he didn't have to crouch so much.

"I trust you." Goku smiled at her. "and I'm so proud of both you guys." Goku smiled the two kids were tired and hurt and V's stomach grumbled but V and Gohan both felt a hundred times lighter. They only want to make him and their mother proud.

"V, you're hungry." Veltro interrupted them.

"and who's this guy? Goku smiled at Veltro. V grabbed Veltro's hand and held him up like a kid showing her father a new toy.

"this is Veltro, he's my best friend." V proclaimed proudly.

"it's good to meet, you, any friend of my kid's is a friend of mine." He shook Veltro's hand and then turned to Dronare.

"thank you." Dronare smiled, he wasn't sure why but this being Veroca's father seemed right. He knew she wasn't born his daughter, but this seemed like universe righting such a terrible wrong.

"I should be thanking you for keeping an eye on everyone." Goku shook his hand and winced.

"you should focus on resting. We'll need that strength later." Dronare clasped Goku's arm as thee machine beeped.

Alright, get in." Vegeta growled sick and tired of all this mushy stuff going on. When did the saiyan race fall so far? Elite warriors and this is what the few remaining had been reduced to? Sentimental morons?

You're the moron V hadn't meant to send the thought to Vegeta but by the death stare he gave her. she was sure she had sent it to him.

"Daddy will be all healed up soon." Goku smiled at his two kids and Dronare and Vegeta got him into the tanks.

Veltro gripped V's tail with his own and slid a reluctant glance.

"Your dad is really nice." He whispered, he thought that he was hiding how much he wished Goku wasn't everything she seemed to think that he was because then she'd be easier to convince about staying with him instead but he was even better than she made him out to be but v felt all of his emotions and sadness. She squeezed his tail back with hers.

"you're still my best friend." she offered a smile.

Krillin stepped up to the tank. "don't take too long." He only half joked. Being left alone with Vegeta didn't sound appealing.

"I'll be ready to fight again soon." Goku assured him.

Goku was sealed up safe and sound and healing, Vegeta led the others to a different area of the spaceship.

"A little armor can't hurt." Vegeta found the locker rooms and the spare sets of armor. He handed them out to everyone. The others didn't seem to have a problem, but V's hands trembled with the familiar armor in her hands.

"How do I get this thing on?" Krillin asked.

"Just pull it on, it stretches and if that doesn't work, I'll come over there and shove it over your head myself."

"Oh yeah, this thing stretched with you all the way into your monkey form." Krillin gave it a try and sure enough it went over without a fight.

Even Gohan had no trouble putting his on

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