Chaptet 14: The Ginyu Force

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V watched Vegeta struggle for words. His face drawn into one of fear and panic. There was nothing Vegeta could do about the Ginyu force. He could dance around Frieza, Frieza's men were not all that strong, except for Dodoria and Zarbon. The Ginyu Force he only called in when he was getting impatient or bored. But even then, the Ginyu Force could take them out without a problem. They were never in the game to begin with. V's best hope was to buy the other's enough time to find some sense and leave her here.

"I can take them." Vegeta stammered

Not even Vegeta could lie to himself about something so big. The Ginyu force was stronger than anyone V had ever met, on top of that they were ruthless and possibly even worse than that... they were extremely annoying. They can't even just kill someone, they have to do their dances and strike a hundred poses. The time Raditz and the others left her with the Ginyu force was just cruel and unusual punishment.

"They're going to kill you first." V took some comfort in that knowledge, she shouldn't, her dad wouldn't like her to have these thoughts, he wouldn't be proud of her for wishing death upon anyone. Worse still, even if she could stop the Ginyu Force, she wouldn't, she would let them kill Vegeta, she'd probably even enjoy it.

It didn't matter anyway, dad was not here and she was not strong enough to stop anyone. She would have just that much more time. "Frieza still thinks I'm with him, you stole Frieza's pet and his dragon balls."

Vegeta's face shifted from fear to rage as he advanced on V. "You think this is funny?" He growls snatching V from the ground by her shirt "you think any of this is funny, if you don't get your useless friends over here and on our side, you're going to be next and then them." Vegeta was angry and afraid and V knew there was no worse combination, fear makes people desperate.

"My friends are going to be gone before the Ginyu force finish you off." V sneered.

"You're even more of an idiot than I thought! If you think Frieza is going to let anyone off this planet alive, you're a complete MORON!" Vegeta yelled at V.

"We'll make a great distraction." V glared at Vegeta. Vegeta threw V to the ground.

"I can't believe so much stupid can fit into such a tiny useless creature." Vegeta huffed "It's a wonder why Frieza kept you, he always did like to keep company that makes him look better."

"Sounds familiar." V pulsed herself back to her feet and glared at Vegeta.

"I need that Dragonball," Vegeta muttered "Once I get the dragon ball I'll be unstoppable."

"Good luck with that." V couldn't help but smirk a little, most of the lines she was using on Vegeta right now were lines he used on her.

"You little runt." Vegeta turned on her, eyes raging. "don't you get it?" he seethed "if I die, your best shot at defeating Frieza dies too."

"My dad will save us and we'll go back to Earth." V barked back although it was only as the words left her mouth that she realized she was waiting for her father to save her. She trusted him, she'd come to believe in him as the others do.

"That low level Saiyan." Vegeta scoffed "at least you'll all die together." Vegeta relished this laugh because nothing else was all that funny. The little brat was right about one thing, Frieza would send the Ginyu force after him first. V was still Frieza's pet as far as Vegeta knew and he'd want her back alive for as long as she entertained him.

"He's already beaten the odds once." V said "he can do it again." V felt herself opening back up. The line that connects V and Gohan growing brighter, V cut it off before Gohan could notice, no V thought if Gohan feels me open back up he'll think I want him to come and save me.

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