Chapter 31: In the Nick of Time

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(Note: Video above is a review of a star wars fanfic that existed on here and got a publishing contract)


That was too close Goku watched his sons shoulders sag in relief. his daughter collapsing to her knees and Gohan mirroring the same action. They both caught themselves with their hands. V hung her head and Gohan took a deep shuddering breath.

"Gee, I thought you guys would be happier to see me." Goku flashed his trademark smile and relief washed over most of the Z fighters. Krillin and Gohan felt in their bones that Goku would handle this but V and Piccolo felt that this was just the beginning of the fight.

Goku could feel Frieza's energy. He was strong. Stronger than any opponent he had ever faced before but anger flared up inside him. the image of this monster ready to kill his son. he squeezed Frieza's hand.

"He's five." Goku growled Frieza glared at Goku, trying to gauge this newcomer.

"Seems like bad parenting on your part." Frieza snatched his hand back. "letting your son be in such a dangerous situation to begin with."

Goku watched V ease herself back to her feet and inch toward Gohan. She was trying to be discreet. fear made V tremble and Goku looked Frieza over again. Looking at him he didn't seem like much but for V to be so afraid of him, there had to be something deeper.

"It's his cruelty." V's whisper carried to Goku's ears as she pulled Gohan to his feet. "He doesn't hold back. He'll kill on a whim and—" a beam pierced V's leg knocking her to the ground.

"V!" Gohan shouted grabbing for his sister.

"Hey!" Goku whirled on Frieza. "She wasn't a threat to you. She didn't even try to—"

"You can't be this stupid." Frieza cackled. "She just told you what kind of monster I am."

Goku ground his teeth. "Gohan, take V over with Piccolo." he stepped between Frieza and his kids to block another easy shot. "I'll take care of this and then we're going home."

Frieza swiped an arm out. "By all means." He sneered. "Give it your best shot."

"Alright then." Goku lunged and Frieza leapt away from him. Goku's eyes widened at the difference in their speed. He was at ease. He didn't view Goku as a threat at all.

"I hope that wasn't your all." Frieza teased.

"Yeah right." Goku laughed. "We're just getting started." he kicked a leg out and Frieza dipped to the side.

"You might want to hurry it up." Frieza's eyes drifted behind Goku and he lifted a finger. "I'm not known for my patience." Goku tackled Frieza to the ground and rolled with him throwing him into the air and sending a blast chasing after him. "You keep your fingers to yourself!" he yelled after him. Goku was much stronger than he had been but V knew it couldn't possibly be this easy. As Goku and Frieza traded blows V watched for an opening she was aware might never come.

"You don't seem relieved." Piccolo noted. staring at V's tail unconsciously wrapped around Gohan's wrist, her other hand gripping Veltro's hand.

"It's too easy." V shook her head, voicing her thoughts aloud. "I know dad is strong and he;s the hero but..."

"Frieza is terrifying." he finished for her. She nodded.

Gohan grabbed her other hand. "It's okay, V." Gohan assured her. "Dad always comes at the right time and he always saves the day. you'll see." he gives her hand a squeeze but that didn't do anything to put her mind at ease. Gohan's glanced at Veltro's downcast eyes. the glimmer of tears evident. "And we'll wish everyone we lost back with the dragon balls."

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