Chapter 11: Rivalries adn Severed Ties

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Chichi placed a hand to her heart, there was something wrong, she could just feel it. She wasn't super powered like the other z-fighters, she wasn't super smart like Bulma but she was intuitive and in that moment she just knew, something was wrong, someone was in trouble Gohan Chichi thought but that didn't feel right. Chichi looked toward the sky, V was not her daughter, she was a brutal alien child who just looked a lot like Goku and Gohan.

"Oh, stop worrying." Chichi snapped at herself as she continued to work on the dress V was going to wear for the next pageant. This one was going to be even more frilly, have an even bigger skirt, oh and butterfly sleeves.

"Yeah, that's just what she needs, she won't always luck out by being the hero of the day." Chichi smiled to herself but there was still something wrong, not that she was going to pay it any mind.


Gohan didn't understand it, he was not a fighter like his dad was, he never craved a battle, it was only ever to save someone else. Yet, as he let his mind wander toward thoughts of V, he wanted to fight, he wanted to be strong and fierce like V was and make people move out of his way with that look V always gave people when she was annoyed and wanted space. She never looked at him like that though.

"Hey, Gohan." Krillin waved his hand in front of Gohan's face "where'd you go, bud?" Krillin laughed

"I was just thinking about V." Gohan admitted, though he knew Krillin wouldn't like it.

"I don't think it's very healthy, the way you think of her so much and she's always hovering around you, like a moon to a planet." Krillin frowned.

"It's their bond." Dende sighed, why couldn't this Earthling just understand?

"How long have you been bonded?" Dende asked Gohan, Dende had always imagined what it would be like to be bonded like that.  To have someone who knew everything about you, who fit with you like a puzzle piece.

"We just met about 2 years ago now." Gohan smiled at Dende, he was glad at least one of them understood what he was feeling.

"What's it feel like?" Dende asked excitedly, he'd never met anyone bonded like Gohan and V were.

"It feels like..." Gohan tried to put into words him and V "it feels like us." Gohan said "like we're-er-I'm never alone, like she's always here with me. I can almost... Gohan laughed at how ridiculous he was about to sound.

"What?" Dende leaned in, entranced by such a feeling, to never feel alone, to always have someone by your side.

"like I can hear her heart beating." Gohan shook his head "I don't know, it just feels like she's there."

"Wow..." Dende smiled "that's amazing."

"To you maybe." Krillin muttered getting more and more sour. He was, afterall, more family to Gohan than that girl was. He had known the kid's father for practically his whole life.

"Krillin." Gohan said looking at him "you don't have to like, V and me being bonded together, but you do have to live with it." Gohan wasn't so much angry or frustrated as he was tired of hearing it. More than anything he wanted everyone to understand what V felt like but that was only for him and her. "Even if it was possible to be un-bonded, I wouldn't do it."

Sorry, kid Krillin thought but no one said it was your choice "yeah, I know." Krillin sighed and went back to staring out at the strange planet.

"So can you at least try to-" Gohan gasped and swayed on his feet. It wasn't from him, at least he didn't think it was

what am I

Gohan wasn't sure if it was his thought. Although it couldn't be his if it had that much intensity to it,

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