Chapter 18: Daddy Steps In

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Goku strode over to his son. A sharp pang made Goku clench his hands into fists as he knelt beside Gohan.

"Hey there, son." Goku made sure there wasn't a trace of anger. "I know you're hurt but you need to eat this, okay?" Goku produced a senzu bean and placed it into Gohan's mouth.

"Come on, Gohan." Goku pleaded with his son. "You have to swallow it."

V and Gohan sat in their mind room, right next to each other. V smiled at him and took his hand in hers'.

It's time to wake up now, Gohan she told him I know it hurts but daddy is here.

Daddy! Gohan exclaimed, relief filling him. His dad always made things okay, daddy is here, right now? Gohan asked her.

V nodded he's holding you, feel for yourself. V broke the connection and Gohan was back in his body and everything hurt, his pain had pain but V was right.

"You have to swallow it, Gohan." His dad's voice was gentle and comforting and dad is here! Gohan could have cried he was so happy.

"That's it, Gohan." Goku held his son in his arms, he felt V just a bit away, she was hurt but she was okay. Right now, Goku watched his son struggle to swallow the senzu bean but once he did, his energy pulsed and Gohan bolted upright, clutching onto his father's shirt.

"Daddy!" he exclaimed wrapping his arms around his father "you're really here."

"Of course I am, silly." Goku lifted Gohan with him as he climbed back to his feet.

The Ginyu force looked on in confusion. Jeice looked to Burter and exchanged glances with Recoome.

"Who the hell is this bloke?" Jeice asked.

Goku continued to ignore them as he cradled his five-year-old son in his arms and strode over to V.

"Daddy..." V muttered into the ground, her body was filled with so much pain she was sure not even those magic beans would help her, but then again, she must have felt worse than this, right?

"Oh no..." Gohan hopped down as Goku knelt and produced another bean.

"V." Gohan rested his hands on her back. V's tail moved the slightest bit but she was too weak for much else.

"She was trying to protect me." Gohan whimpered, seeing her in so much pain, feeling it through their link, although she tried to keep that from him, hurt Gohan more than anything else ever had.

"I know, she's a good sister." Goku smiled at Gohan as he scooped V into his arms and placed the bean in her mouth. V grimaced from the pain but eventually got her own bean down.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Gohan asked.

V's energy pulsed and swirled and Gohan was taken aback from the sudden surge. His head spun and for the briefest of moments he felt like he might vomit but he didn't and V was grabbing onto Goku and Gohan. She looked Gohan up and down and then she looked to Goku.

"Daddy!" she wrapped her arms and squeezed with all her strength "I knew you'd be here, I just knew it!" she laughed, the weight of the world was no longer on her shoulders alone.

"Oh man." Goku chuckled as he hugged V "you've gotten even stronger."

"Gohan!" V released Goku and wrapped her legs and arms around him. "I was so worried about you, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." V held him, he's okay.

"But you did." Goku assured her "he's alive, you kept everyone alive until I got here and that's what matters, V, that's what counts." He pressed a kiss to her forehead and then Gohan's and then led both his children over to Krillin and then to Veltro.

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