Chapter 12: Cut Off

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Goku cupped his hands to his side "Ka- Me..." Goku planted his feet and lowered into a squat. "Ha-Me..." the energy swelled and a blue orb formed in his hands "HA!" the blast flew out from Goku's hands, he guided the blast around the ship and tensed up as he readied to take the full force of the attack. The blast stuck him but he remained planted,

"Yeah, that's how you do it." Goku smiled and his legs trembled and he lurched forward. His body slammed into the ground "oh, man, I really put a lot into that one." He laughed "guess it's time for another senzu bean." Goku inched his body across the floor like a worm. The aches pinched and stung, they demanded him to give up, his body was ready to give up before he was. "Come on body, we can make it." Goku coaxed. His body moved at his command. It might have been ready to give up first but it was easy enough to persuade.

The senzu bean did it's job, he was back to full health just as he caught an incoming energy, no, several energies. Goku felt out for them, five of them. Goku went to the window in time to see five space pods streak across the stars. Man, those were some powerful guys Goku thought watching the spacepods disappear. Oh man, I don't like that energy either, something tells me they're not there for the local cuisine. Goku ran to his controls "come on, there has to be a way to make it go faster." Goku scrambled over the control but nothing happened. He was still traveling the same speed and not going half as fast as those guys.

Just hold on guys Goku tried to will the message to them I'm almost there.  As if Goku's will had summoned it, the ships voice came on "ten hours to arrival"

"Please guys, just for a little while longer."

Goku secured the remaining beans up and went to lay down for a few hours. Something told him this was going to be get worse before it got better.


Frieza strode into the room, his tail whipping behind him dangerously. "Zarbon." He was angry, V fell back into the wall trying to get as far away from him as possible.

"What's wrong?" Zarbon stood at attention immediately.

"Vegeta has been a busy boy." Frieza frowned.

"Vegeta?" Zarbon asked.

"Yes, as Veroca said, Vegeta killed Dodoria." Frieza looked to V and smiled "Now is your chance for revenge, find him and get the Dragonball he stole.  And once you've done that, kill him if you'd like." Frieza turned back to Zarbon "make sure you get the job done." Frieza snapped his tail against the floor before exiting.

"Ugh, I have to babysit you now." Zarbon took off "try and keep up." He smirked at her but V took off right behind him, she caught up to him easy enough.

"Huh..." Zarbon was surprised to find her right beside him, not that he had maxed out on his speed or anything like that but he was going faster than most kept up with. Perhaps she's not as weak as she seems... or maybe she's stealing my power right now. Zarbon glared at V I'd better not give her anymore.

V frowned at Zarbon, she got the sense he was blaming her for something, but what? It's not like she did anything.

Why do they hate me? V grumbled to herself. Krillin hated her, Chichi still hated her, most of Gohan's and their dad's friends hated her. Actually, all of them hated her except Piccolo. What did I do?

"Well, if you're so smart." Zarbon snorted at V "where is he?"

"I don't know, I have to have a stronger sense of his energy first." V pouted crossing her arms.

"Well, get a better sense of it." Zarbon snapped.

"It doesn't work like that." V barked "he has to power up enough for me to feel him." V shook her head, how did they ever get by before sensing energy?

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