Chapter 17: V's Last Stand

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"Get away from him!" V flew across the field and plowed her head into Recoome's stomach. Recoome doubled over actually surprised by the force of her hit. V grabbed him, her energy grew, his energy meshed with hers.

"Veroca!" Veltro yelled as Dronare struggled to hold onto him.

"What's she doing?" Jeice wondered as V not only copied the energy from Recoome but took it.

"His energy..." Jeice read his scouter "It's going down."

"Don't touch my brother." V used his energy and threw him across the field and into a rock formation. His brutality seeped into her, tainting her. seeing Gohan with his neck broken on the ground did nothing to remind her of his gentleness. She could barely feel him anymore. Her anger mixed with Recoome's influence and her energy continued to climb she charged forward.

"Veroca!" Veltro yelled and shoved Dronare away from him,

"Veltro, no!" Dronare chased after him, Burter appeared in front of Dronare.

"Let the kid have some fun." Burter sneered.

"Get out of my way." Dronare swung at Burter but the alien dodged it easily and slammed his fist into Dronare's face.

"Veroca." Veltro flew to her "Veroca I'm here." He stood beside her.

"Get away." V growled darkly. There was a voice in the back of her mind reminding her of the look on Gohan's face the last time she had lost it, but this power, this was too much she couldn't ignore it, she didn't want to ignore it.

"Veroca." Veltro reached or her.

"Get away!" V's energy pulsed and threw Veltro back as she charged forward.

"Veroca!" Veltro recovered and chased after V.

"I told you not to touch him." V yelled hammering Recoome into the ground. "I told you not to touch my little brother!" V yelled "I told you, I told you, I told you!" V kicked Recoome into the sky. Veltro hesitated in his pursuit. He'd never seen Veroca like this. She was powerful and so angry.

"but you did it." V growled in that low dangerous voice. "You touched him... you hurt him." V drove her knee into Recoome's face.

"Veroca!" Veltro yelled as he grabbed her "Stop it!" he yelled in her face.

"Get away, Veltro!" She yelled back trying to brush him off but he stood firmly in front of her, his hands squeezing her arms.

"Stop it, Veroca, please." He tried to look her in the eye, fear lingering there. He wasn't afraid of her, he was afraid for her.

"Veltro, get away from me." V growled not meeting his eyes.

"No, you have to stop now." Veltro shivered at Recoome's influence in her energy, he didn't like it, it didn't feel right. "this is not you."

"I need to be this to beat him." V shoved past him and drilled Recoome into the ground. Energy filled her hands as she glanced back at Gohan laying there on the ground, his neck bent at a strange angle.

Gohan V felt tears in her eyes but it was like there were two of her. Gohan's sister version of herself and this version, this brutal energy stealing version of herself where Gohan's innocence and light couldn't reach her.

I'm so sorry Gohan V's hands filled with the stolen energy, she pushed all of it in there. As she pushed the wild, dangerous energy out of her and into her hands she saw the bruise forming on Veltro's head,

I did that she heard fighting behind her, Dronare's and Burter's voices. She finally looked into Veltro's eyes and saw his fear and then she heard him

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