Chapter 21: Trade Me

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Ginyu was learning how to handle Goku's body too quickly.

"Don't touch her!" Veltro flew ahead the second V got knocked down, he landed a few good hits but Ginyu just knocked him aside.

Now we're getting somewhere." Ginyu laughed "you brats are in for it now."

"What do we do?" Gohan asked,

"You stay back," V picked herself up for the hundredth time. Try and figure out how we can get them to switch again." She charged forward.

"V, wait!" Gohan called after her but she was right, they had to figure something out before it was too late. What If this became permanent if they didn't get them changed in time. There was always a time limit in the books he's read.

"Well?" Veltro itched to do something but he seemed to get in V's way more than he helped her. she spent too much time worrying about him, taking hits for him. Why couldn't she and Dronare just let him fight?"

"You're not my father!" V yelled more so trying to convince herself. Tears streamed from her eyes as she said it, she hated saying it, she hated fighting her father's body.

"You are not him." She swung and knocked him into the ground. "you're not you're not you're not."

Ginyu rebounded and slammed V face first into the ground.

"Awe does the baby want to cry because she misses her daddy?" he threw her across the field., Veltro dove for her.

"V!" V twisted away from him and charged right back at Ginyu.

Come and get it small fry!" Ginyu was ready. V came to a halt,


"I can be your new dad; I'll teach you all about how to be a great fighter?" Ginyu lunged and punched V straight into the ground.

"V, NO!" The voice was that of Ginyu's, but the concern was her father's.

"Daddy!" V popped up from the ground relatively unfazed by Ginyu's blow.

"Daddy..." Gohan's disgust and fear and pain surged through V and his bond. "no.... that can't be him." Tears welled up in Gohan's eyes at the sight of his father. He couldn't stop his overactive imagination from seeing a new life with his father in Ginyu's body.

"Daddy, you're hurt." V went for him but Ginyu caught her tail and slammed her into the ground.

"you're not going anywhere pipsqueak."

"Get your hands off my daughter!" Goku coughed up a wad of blood but he wasn't going to let that stop him from saving his kid.

"you're hurt." V stared in horror at the gaping hole in his chest, anger filled her, and she whirled on Ginyu.

"you cheater!" she nailed him in the jaw "stealer!" she punched him so hard he skid across the ground. She pursued him.

"it's not fair!" she kicked him into the ground, cracking the ground with the impact. "you stole his body because you were too weak!"

Ginyu kicked her and sent her across the field, chasing her he knocked her into the ground so deep her whole body was covered in dirt.

"You little brat, you actually made me bleed."

"Ginyu, you are going to regret this. My body can't just be used like that. It took years of finding the perfect balance between body mind and spirit for me to achieve my strength." Goku struggled ahead. Gohan was still in shock

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