Chapter 5: Namek???

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"Very good Goku." Master Roshi sat with a magazine on his lap and his legs propped up on the bed Goku was supposed to be in.

"now, one hundred sit ups."

"Right." Goku nodded and flopped onto his back. "one... two... three." Goku ignored the ach in his body with each sit up I wonder how V and Gohan are doing maybe he should have been more concerned but he wasn't so much concerned as curious about their adventure. He even smiled to himself this is Gohan's very first adventure Goku thought he's off on his own just like I was when I was about that age.

"What is going on in here?" The nurse exclaimed when she walked in.

"Oh, I'm just getting some training in." Goku smiled at the nurse as he continued his sit ups.

"Stop that right now, sir." The nurse grabbed Goku's arm but she was surprised, yet again, at his strength. This man's body had been shattered and he still had strength to move, he should be writhing in agony. Who is this guy? the nurse wondered.

"Please sir." She finally lifted him off the ground with Goku's and Master Roshi's help "now please, sir, stay in bed."

"But I have to train, my son and my daughter are off in space trying to make it to Namek and if I take too much longer to heal I'm not going to get there in time to help them and who knows how strong other aliens are." The nurse just stared at Goku, she wasn't sure if he had severe brain damage or if he really believed what he was saying.

"Goku." Chichi took that moment to storm into the room and take a seat beside Goku "you need to hurry up here, Gohan and V are out in space all by themselves." She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at Goku "do you know what I'm gonna do if they get hurt?" Chichi asked. Goku gulped "well...I..."

"If my baby comes home hurt or doesn't come home at all I will never speak to you again." Chichi grabbed Goku by his bandages "do you understand me?" Chichi demanded.

"Miss please." The Nurse tried to stop Chichi but one sharp look from Chichi and the Nurse backed off "my baby is out in space by himself and Goku is the only one who can help him."

"Yes... ma'am..." The nurse scurried out of the room and closed the door gently behind her "what a strange family." She remembered their daughter, she had a tail like a monkey. The nurse left the couple to figure out whatever it was they were trying to figure out.

V was meditating again, Gohan was beginning to dread these meditation sessions, she always had this pain filled expression on her face and her energy always went way up. Gohan paced back and forth as he waited for V to come back to him. Gohan finally sat across from her and leaned into her face "please come back, V." Gohan begged "I don' like to see you like this." He dropped his head and just sat in front of her.

"Hey... Gohan." Krillin placed a hand on Gohan's shoulder. Gohan jolted awake, V hadn't moved an inch. Krillin gave him a sympathetic smile "she'll come back when she's finished."

"I want her back now, Krillin." Gohan whimpered, he just wanted to make her feel better. She had a family now, he was her brother, and she had a mom and dad, why did she still have to think about her past so much?

"V's been through some stuff, you've got to let her go through it." Krillin wasn't great at advice but it wasn't like there was anyone else around to give him some.

"But she doesn't have to be alone." Gohan said almost angrily "I'm right here, she's not alone."

"She's used to being alone, maybe she still feels alone." Krillin suggested.

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