Chapter 23: Porunga Come Forth

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It had been easy enough to get to retrieve Dende and return without drawing attention but Dronare was still on edge, he didn't relax until he saw Veltro sitting beside V and Gohan amongst the dragon balls. V smiled relieved as soon as Veltro saw him and the tension left the small Saiyan's body.

"You're back." Veltro would never admit how worried he had been and Dronare was well aware of it, so he didn't pester him about it. he just hugged him patted his head and looked around for Vegeta.

"Vegeta is napping." V answered his searching eyes. Dronare smiled "that's actually perfect." Dronare and V had the same thought at the same time. Krillin picked it up and next and Gohan and Veltro the next second.

"Now." V whispered to Gohan.

"Right." They began to gather the dragon balls as quietly and stealthily as possible.

"How are you doing Dende?" V asked her old friend.

"I'm okay." Dende smiled at her and grabbed one of the balls. The remaining Z fighters flew a good distance from the ship. They assembled the dragon balls and Dende took his place in front of the balls.

"V had never seen the dragon called forth, she had heard stories, had been sent to understand the truth of them before she ever meet Gohan so she'd be lying if she didn't say she was excited.

"It's amazing." Dronare told her standing beside her.

"I bet it is." V grabbed Gohan's hand and Veltro's tail. "we're getting Piccolo back." She hugged Gohan so tight she was sure he'd complain any moment but he never did.

"we're getting all of them back." Gohan squeezed her back and they watched as Dende rose his hands and as the small Namekian spoke the words.

The sky got dark, Dronare had only seen this once, he was only a child when they had been used, he couldn't even remember the wish that had been made but there it was. The large green dragon sprouted from the sacred orbs in a flash of brilliant light, power emanating from him. V fell to her knees at the energy radiating from the creature. Dronare had the same urge but he was able to stay on his feet. He watched Veroca stare wide eyed at the dragon, her mouth gaping open. Gohan was less phased but Veltro shared a similar expression.

"Woah." Krillin gulped "this dragon looks a bit more intimidating than Shenron."

"He's..." V couldn't even finish it. It wasn't that he was so powerful, Frieza was much stronger than this dragon, it was the type of energy that had brought V to her knees. It wasn't like anything she had ever felt this energy was...was... sacred.

The Dragon spoke but only Dende, Dronare and Veltro understood it.

"He's asking for our wishes," Veltro translated for her.

"Guys, what are we wishing for, Porunga has limited patience." Dende hurried them.

"We wish for all of our friends back to life." Krillin said confidently.

"Uhu... what?" Dende, Dronare and Veltro all looked to him like he had sprouted a second head.

"um... what's the problem?" Krillin asked.

"Porunga can only bring back one person at a time." Dende explained "He can grant three wishes but only one life per wish."

"What, for real?" Gohan stammered. How are we gonna wish all of them back then?"

"What should our first wish be?" Krillin asked unsure what else to do.

Gohan's mind felt more open suddenly, V felt the additional presence immediately. Two of them.

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