Chapter 6: She's Dangerous

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V groaned as she heard people moving around her, "Gohan?" V pushed herself up "I'm okay, I'm ready." V forced her legs under her.

"Sorry, V, but you'll get hurt." Gohan said. V heard a splash.

"Gohan, no!" V screeched leaping after him.

"V, don't!" Krillin caught V's tail, V hit the ground. It didn't hurt but she was already weak.

"Why'd you let him go?" V whimpered, she was too weak to be any help at all, she knew when she was beat, that was the worst for her, knowing she didn't have a chance.

"He's the best chance we have." Krillin said "if you want Piccolo back then you've gotta let Gohan do this, you're sick and frankly Gohan might be stronger than me at this point."

"He's just a kid." V whined, she promised their mom one thing, that she'd bring Gohan home safe.

"So are you." Krillin muttered.

I'm okay

Gohan swam as fast as the suit would allow him. He felt the essence of V rather than her energy like he did with the others. It was like she was right there next to him, only she was upset. Gohan did feel bad about tricking V but there was no way she was going to let him do this. She felt bigger than she was, she seemed older than he was, but in the end V was Gohan's sister and he wanted to protect her just as much as she wanted to protect him.

I'm okay Gohan hoped the thought made it to V but there wasn't anything he could do about her right now, he needed to get the dragon ball and then she could be mad at him as much as she wanted.

There it is! Gohan pulsed his energy to send him to the bottom of the lake with the dinosaur's skeleton. The dragon ball was completely unharmed among the bones yes Gohan cheered Alright, one more down. Gohan felt something strange then, he glanced down at his arm, the acid was beginning to eat through the suit Oh no! Gohan held the ball in one hand and powered up a Mesenko in the other. He fired at the ground and the blast sent him piercing through the water.

Gohan burst through the water just as the rest of the seat disintegrated.

"Gohan!" V called out pushing her wobbly knees under her, she stumbled toward Gohan.

"You lied to me." V yelled at him "you could have gotten hurt, or killed or-or"

Gohan's face was the only thing V could bring into focus as she calmed herself down "and Piccolo will be proud when he hears about it." V sighed and let herself fall to her knees but Gohan didn't. Gohan reached out and caught V.

"Thanks, V." Gohan smiled and pushed the hat back down over V's eyes.

"Did you get it?" Bulma asked hopefully.

"Yeah-huh." Gohan held the beautiful orange orb up to the sky and flashed a smile.

V just really wanted to puke and get it over with. Why couldn't she just throw up whatever was upsetting her stomach and making her feel so weak and be done with it, she wasn't so sure she could handle sitting on the sidelines much longer

"Would you do something, Krillin!" V yelled at Krillin as Gohan leapt into a tornado to find the next dragon ball. "I know you don't like Piccolo but the other ones are your friends too." V grabbed Krillin by the shirt and yanked him down to her level "don't you care about them?"

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