Chapter 16: Go Down Fighting

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The Ginyus threw their hands into a loose circle.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!"

"Awe man." Jeice got out first. The Ginyus did it again

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot!" This time Burter grumbled as Guldo and Recoome faced off.

"Alright!" Recoome cheered on the final round. "I get Vegeta!"

"I'll take the kids then." Guldo looked V in the eye as he said. It.

"Hey," Jeice, exclaimed.

"Not fair." Burter finished his buddy's thought "you can't get two for one."

"You guys aren't gonna let him get two, are you?" V taunted trying to cause a fight but she felt their friendship. Just because they were bad didn't mean they were bad to each other. V already knew she wasn't going to be able to turn them, even the Ginyu force had a sense of loyalty to each other. Something Vegeta wouldn't know anything about.

"Stay out of this, Runt." Burter snapped at her.

"Come on, they're just kids." Guldo tried "only one won't be fun for anyone."

"He's got a point." Jeice agreed. "But two kids won't be fun either" Jeice smiled at the set up.

"But Burter gets Vegeta's pet."

"I'm not his pet!" V huffed.

"Yeah, Burter will show her what it really means being the fastest."  Jeice smirks. V glares at the force. She wasn't really angry about being called Vegeta's pet, she was angry because she had no idea how she was going to win this. I can't win this V clenched her hands into fists.

You're not alone. Gohan's voice sounded in her head. He linked their hands together V, we can do this

I don't want you to get hurt. V's desperation reaches him through their link.

And I don't want you hurt either. Gohan tells her.

I'm not strong enough to protect you V's anger pulsed in her blood making it hot.

You don't have to be, Gohan assured her we're in this together.

I can't let you do this she says firmly I promised mom I'd bring you back safe.

"Let him help." Dronare told her.

"No," she shakes her head "Veltro either, they can't, they'll get hurt."

"You don't have a choice." Dronare narrows his eyes at the Ginyu force. V cast a glance at Veltro.

Does that mean you're letting Veltro fight? She asked nervously. She was counting on Dronare to take care of Veltro.

I don't think I have a choice either Dronare kept a worried eye on Veltro. Veltro who stood fearlessly, ready to give his life for his friends.

We have to keep them safe V said firmly they don't take any real hits, they get a few bruises but we have to take the brunt of the attacks.

Agreed Dronare nodded the slightest bit they don't get hurt

No V cast a glance at Gohan and then to Veltro. They don't

"Who gets to go first?" Recoome smiled at the Vegeta Who staggered back a step, fear evident in his eyes.

"I will." V stepped forward.

"No way." Jeice stepped in front of Burter, stopping him from getting accepting V's challenge.

"You're just trying to keep those runts from fighting." Jeice smirked. "You care about those little pests."

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