Chapter Three

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"Oh come on!" Skykit whined "Just one more round!"

"STOP IT SKYKIT!" Leafkit yelled, "I AM TIRED AND LIONSTRIKE NEEDS TO GO! HE STILL HAS TO SIT VIGIL REMEMBER?" It was nearly moon-high and Leafkit was tired of the endless mossball games. Although Leafkit had promised to play mossball with Skykit, she hadn't expected it to go for this long.

"Umm, it's alright." Lionstrike said nervously "I can stay longer."

"Don't worry Lionstrike, it's about time for Skykit to go to bed," Leafkit replied.

"Awwwwww," Skykit whined, "do I have to?"

"YES, YOU DO!" Leafkit shouted back.

"Uh, I guess I'll leave you guys to your uh sister stuff," Lionstrike said weakly as he backed out of the nursery.

"Ok! See you later Lionstrike!" Leafkit said cheerfully waiting for Lionstrike to leave before turning back to her sister. "YOU NEED TO GO TO BED!" Leafkit shouted.

"NO!" Skykit replied.





"YES AND THAT'S FINAL!" Leafkit shouted ending the fight. 

Skykit groaned and sagged into her nest. She was only a little tired, but she fell into a deep sleep.

WARRIORS: Skyspirit's Decision (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now