Chapter Twelve

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*For confused people... The previous chapter was Leafshadow x Lionstrike and this chapter is Skyspirit x Duskfall* -Cathy

Skyspirit was going on a hunting patrol. It had already got out that Leafshadow and Lionstrike were mates. Skyspirit thought it was weird that Leafshadow now slept with Lionstrike a lot and that she was spending less time with Skyspirit. Personally, Skyspirit didn't really like the idea of mates. She didn't want someone to slow her down or bug her. Skyspirit shook her thoughts out of her head as she focused on catching a mouse.  

By the end of the hunting patrol, Skyspirit had caught some mice and a squirrel. She dropped the prey on the fresh-kill pile and looked for Sapphiregem and Birchear. She had promised to teach them some complicated fighting moves. She soon found them at their usual place near the elder's den and started telling them about the stalk-and-pounce move. She looked for someone to help her demonstrate the move and ended up calling the cat nearest to her, Duskfall.

"Hey Duskfall, can you help me teach Sapphiregem and Birchear the stalk-and-pounce move?" Skyspirit asked.

"Oh, Okay!" Duskfall said as he set down the sparrow he had caught. Skyspirit performed the stalk-and-pounce on Duskfall so the young warriors could see how it was done, after, she told them to practice on each other.

"You should really consider becoming a mentor!" Duskfall told Skyspirit, "That was a pretty impressive stalk-and-pounce." Skyspirit looked at Duskfall closely for the first time, she noticed that he looked quite young, not so much older than Lionstrike, maybe a few moons. He had Dark red eyes that seemed to glow faintly.

Both cats looked at the ground for a bit before Duskfall broke the silence,

"So, What did you do today?" he asked.

"Oh nothing really, went on a patrol and stuff like that. Do you know? I sometimes wish there was a battle." Skyspirit replied.

"Oh, yeah," Duskfall said. "Hey Skyspirit, Have you ever thought about getting a mate?"

"Oh!" Skyspirit said in surprise "No, not really. I haven't really thought about it until my sister got a mate..."

"I just, you seem like a really nice she-cat and strong too!" Duskfall said not looking at Skyspirit. "I just... If you hadn't got one... Will you be my mate?"

Skyspirit opened her mouth to say something but ended up closing it. "Duskfall, this was...well unexpected," Skyspirit said.

Duskfall nodded, "I understand if you don't want to." His face told otherwise, however. It was clear that Duskfall was extremely disappointed. 

Skyspirit quickly answered, "No. It's just the first time that anyone has complimented me like that. So I was surprised, that's all. Yes, Duskfall, I would love to be your mate!"

Duskfall's face brightened up instantly. 

"Thank you!" he cried.

Skyspirit laughed, "But let's not act as lovey-dovey as Leafshadow and Lionstrike."

Duskfall turned to leave, "Well, it's getting dark, I'd better go," he said cheerfully, "Bye."

Skyspirit whispered, "Bye."

Her heart was thumping. Was this what love felt like?

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