Chapter Twenty-three

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*Ohhh, don't u just LOVE Cliffhangers!!! Muahahaha! Also, this has lots of perspective changes. 😝* --Vanessa

Briarwind's POV 

Briarwind stared at Galaxymoon's dreamy emerald-colored eyes. She couldn't believe it! She had a secret crush on Galaxymoon forever, and now he liked her, too! "Yes," she barely whispered. Galaxymoon rested his head on her shoulder, and their tails entwined. However, they didn't know that they were being watched...

Galaxymoon's POV

Galaxymoon anxiously watched as Briarwind stared into his eyes. He was just about to burst from anxiety when he heard the whispered word, like music to his ears: 'Yes'. He rests his head on Briarwind's feather-soft fur, feeling their tails wind themselves together. Suddenly, there was a cough from behind them!

Skystar's POV

Skystar look on as the cats continued to hustle and bustle around camp. Slowly, there were less and less cats as the night wore on. Suddenly, a small commotion at the camp entrance caught her eye. She smirked, seeing two tails- one calico and one gray- entwine together. Swiftly, she slipped off the Sky-cliff and crept towards the two cats. Once she was sitting right behind them, Skystar coughed. Briarwind's and Galaxymoon's heads whipped towards her.

"Mo-ther," complained Briarwind, "Why were you spying on me?"

"Uhh...sorry." muttered Galaxymoon.

"No, you two are cute." Skystar teased.

Briarwind blushed profusely. 

"Um, Galaxymoon, lets talk later okay." she said, glancing at Skystar. Galaxymoon enclined his head, and the two cats hurried away. Skystar laughed, remembering Lionstrike and Leafshadow, and how she'd sworn she'd never have a mate or kits. 

Leafshadow's POV

Leafshadow settled into her moss-filled nest. She quickly fell into a dream. Not again, she thought, Not that creepy prophecy! 

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