Chapter Eighteen

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*Hiya people~ this book has been going really well so far! If u like it, please vote and comment! Also, don't ask when this will be finished. I'm not actually sure.*--Vanessa

A couple of weeks later...

It was time for Galaxypaw and Jackalpaw's warrior assessment! Swiftstrike and Hazelshade took them out to the forest. Skystar was going to watch their assessment but wasn't being seen. Skystar watched as Swiftstrike quickly explained that they would start with hunting and catch two rodents and one bird. She first stalked Jackalpaw, and after she had caught a magpie with one great pounce, moved on to Galaxypaw. She watched as he went after a mouse. His quick light steps were extreme! Of course, he caught the mouse. After hunting, they fought their mentors. Galaxypaw and Jackalpaw both won. Maybe from my DNA, thought Skystar, chuckling.

"Great job," Hazelshade huffed, "I'm sure you'll be great warriors!"

"In fact, you'll have your ceremony today!" Skystar exclaimed, stepping out of the bushes.

The two apprentices exchanged excited glances. "Really?" asked Jackalpaw.

Skystar nodded, "Now why don't you run along and listen to Foxtail's stories!"

The two apprentices ran off towards camp.

A few hours later...

"Let all cats gather beneath the Sky-cliff for a clan meeting!" called Skystar. She saw Jackalpaw and Galaxypaw appear from the elder's den, their pelts sleek and shining under the sunlight.

"I, Skystar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Galaxypaw and Jackalpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Galaxypaw's voice was firm.

"I do." Jackalpaw's voice quivered a bit.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Galaxypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Galaxymoon. StarClan honors your courage and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan. Jackalpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Jackallight. StarClan honors your compassion and dedication, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." Skystar then rested her muzzle on Galaxymoon's head, and he licked her shoulder as respect. She did the same to Jackallight, and she licked her shoulder, "This meeting is now dismissed. Galaxymoon and Jackallight will sit vigil tonight."

*P.S. A vigil happens either when a cat dies or they become warriors. It's when the cats sitting vigil can't talk, and just sits at the camp entrance, guarding it for one night.* --Vanessa

Skystar watched as the crowd cheered for the newly named warriors. She caught a glimpse of Briarpaw touching noses with Galaxymoon. Aww, she thought bittersweetly.

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