Chapter Twenty-five

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"Skystar? Can I tell you something?" Leafshadow asked

"Sure!" Skystar replied.

"I- I think I had a prophecy," Leafshadow said.

End of Flashback

"What?" Skystar asked urgently

"I keep having dreams about Brookstar, the leader of RiverClan, and I think Nightstar, the leader of BloodClan uniting and attacking some clan!" Leafshadow said anxiously.

Skystar's eyes widened, "Oh StarClan. They're going to attack us!"

Leafshadow gasped, "Oh no! Remember the last gathering? They said that we'll be sorry for prey-stealing, but..."

"We have to warn the clan!" Skystar cried.

"But..." Leafshadow started again but Skystar had already hurried away, "Tansyflower..."


"Okay, so, now you know." Skystar explained to her clan, "We have to get ready. Duskfall, Nettletail, I trust you to teach the kits and queens some self-defense moves. Goldenstorm, Wolftooth, train the elders. Petalpaw, Applepaw, Flashpaw, Lavenderpaw, practice with each other, then put some more nettles and thornbushes near the nursery and elder's den, for protection. As for the rest of you, go practice your battle skills. Tansyflower and Cloudwhisker, collect as many herbs as you can. Later, Moonclaw, Blazenose, protect the nursery. Lionstrike, Dewbreeze, the elder's den. Galaxymoon, Spottedwind, the medicine cat's den. Owlwing, Tigerpounce, you're on scout duty. REMEMBER, YOU'RE THE BEST CLAN EVER! GO GET THEM! Meeting dismissed." 

Skystar looked around, and heard a voice behind her, "Hey sis, I have to tell you about-" 

Skystar cut her off, knowing Leafshadow, it was probably her new prey of the day, "No time, gotta go."

Skystar hurried to the medicine cat's den, the fissure leading in hidden by a large clump of natural ivy growing on the gorge walls. She hurried in, wanting to check on her daughter Briarwind, who was pregnant with Galaxymoon's kits. Seeing that she was okay, she turned and went to supervise the defenses. The nursery and elder's dens were well-protected and there seemed to be nothing to worry about but Skystar still had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach...

Leafshadow's POV

Leafshadow silently cursed Skystar for being so quick to go. She was about to tell her something important. Tansyflower was in big trouble! Leafshadow had to warn her! She sprinted towards the forest, seeing Tansyflower go that way, and saw her collecting some cobwebs and fresh moss at the edge of the forest. 

"T-Tansyflower! Get back to the camp, please! Something bad is going to happen! To you!" 

Tansyflower shook her head, "Oh no, Leafshadow, I'm a medicine cat. I don't fight battles. You should worry about someone else. However, I'll come back to camp anyway"

The two hurried back and saw the defense going great. Skystar was teaching the apprentices moves that no enemy could figure out how to learn, Eagleflight and Shadefire were obviously showing a much older group of warriors some sneaky skills, and the dens were all covered with nettles and brambles.

Suddenly, out of the blue, Tigerpounce's voice screeched, "ENEMY CLANS ADVANCING!"

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