Chapter Seventeen

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*Wow! I'm going to write two chapters in one day! Maybe~* --Vanessa~

The next morning, Skystar emerged from her den bright and early.

"Let all cats gather beneath the Sky-cliff for a clan meeting!" Skystar called. Instantly, cats started appearing on the clearing below her den. Leafshadow came and stood next to Skystar. She had been made deputy by Skystar just after she was nearly killed. Skystar still felt guilty about that, so she had scheduled an apprentice ceremony for Galaxypaw, Jackalpaw, and her own kits. Technically, Galaxypaw and Jackalpaw were already apprentices, but it just felt right. 

"Step forward Eaglekit. Eaglekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Eaglepaw. Your mentor will be Dewbreeze. I hope Dewbreeze will pass down all she knows on to you." 

She went through all their names slowly, repeating the speech. Shadepaw was apprenticed to Moonclaw, Tigerpaw was apprenticed to Owlwing, Briarpaw was apprenticed to Leafshadow, Jackalpaw was apprenticed to Hazelshade, and Galaxypaw was apprenticed to Swiftstrike.

She had told Galaxypaw and Jackalpaw that they would receive their warrior names in just three more weeks since they had been apprentices before. It felt good, to be Leader, yet tiring as well. 
Skystar remembered the pain of getting her nine lives. Agony. 

"Hey Skystar!" said Leafshadow, interrupting her train of thought, "I already made up patrols, so do you want to go hunting with me and Briarpaw? You could supervise our training!"

"Oh, maybe later." replied Skystar briskly, "I have to go to the training hollow."

"For what?" asked Leafshadow, slightly hurt.

"I have to check out a fox situation. Willowlight said that she noticed a mother fox there. I can't let them stay."

"Oh, alright."

Skystar ran toward the training hollow. She heard growling, then a whimper. Skystar burst through the entrance- And found Galaxypaw and Jackalpaw snarling at the mother fox. The fox's tail was tucked between its legs, and it ran away. 

"Nice job, but that was a bit reckless," said Skystar.

The two apprentices whipped their heads around. Just then, Hazelshade and Swiftstrike raced out of the trees, panting. 

"We're sorry!" squeaked Jackalpaw.

"We just heard Willowlight saying something about a fox in the hollow," said Galaxypaw.

"Don't be sorry," Skystar said, "Even though it was foolish, it was still brave."

Hazelshade agreed, "Yes, but please don't run away like that again!"

The two apprentices nodded, their eyes wide open. They followed their mentors out of the hollow.

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