Chapter Fifteen (Two-person Point_Of_View)

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*Hiya peeps, do you wanna know what the book introduction is talking about? This chapter starts that story. Chapter 1 to 14 talks about the sister's lives. BTW Cathy is on vacation so I'm writing the next few chapterz! Hahaha~* --Vanessa~


Skyspirit fell into her nest next to Duskfall's and Leafshadow's nests. It had been a tiring day. She fell asleep immediately. She dreamed that she was standing in a star-lit forest. Three cats approached her. Their pelts were covered with stars.

"Greetings Skyspirit," said the first cat, "I'm Ripplestar. An ancient leader of RiverClan."

"I'm Graystar, the ancient leader of BloodClan. Well, that's what Shadowclan was renamed after Nightstar came along." said the second with a certain bitterness in his tone.

"And I'm the first leader of StormClan. Your great-great-great-great-grandfather Stormstar the first, in fact." the third cat said.

"Why have you taken me here?" breathed Skyspirit.

"'The time draws near, sky must join sky, sister and sister must part, familes must be torn but fate is fate and the sky cannot stand up without help from the stars.'The prophecy tells of you, Skyspirit. You must leave and go to Skyclan. 'Sky must join Sky'. Would you like me to bring that clan's leader here?" asked Graystar.

"Y-Yes." stammered Skyspirit.

A cat appeared. He was old, and Skyspirit could tell that he was on his last life.

"Who is she?" the Leader asked.

"She is a cat in StormClan that will be your successor, Cloudstar. You must accept her and her kin into SkyClan," answered Stormstar.

"Does that mean I'll die soon?" asked Cloudstar.

"Yes." said Ripplestar, "But only after Skyspirit becomes your deputy. You'll have to tell your clan, though."

"That's all." the four others started to fade. 

Skyspirit woke up. She patted Duskfall gently, "Duskfall, we have to leave. With our kits. Not Leafshadow."

"Why?" he whispered.

"I have a prophecy. You know that clan, SkyClan?"


"Well we're supposed to take our kits, and go there. I'm supposed to be their future leader. Cloudstar already knows." Skyspirit said casually.

Duskfall's mouth fell open, then closed, "All right then. I trust you." 

The two went into the nursery, careful not to awake Galaxykit and Jackalkit, and took their kits by the scruffs of their necks. They knew they had to leave Briarkit. She was too ill for a long journey. Her siblings were informed in low tones, and they all said goodbye to Briarkit. They slipped out through the gorse tunnel.


Where was Skyspirit? Leafshadow wondered. She had been listening to others talk about it all day. Duskfall, Eaglekit, Shadekit, and Tigerkit were missing, too. So, everyone's best guess was that they had run away. Leafshadow had decided to bring her kits and Briarkit and follow Skyspirit.

"Let all cats gather beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!" Stormstar's call snapped Leafshadow out of her trance. She remembered that her kits were going to be apprentices that day!

"Galaxykit, Jackalkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Galaxypaw and Jackalpaw. Galaxypaw, your mentor will be Robinflight. I hope that Robinflight will pass down all he knows on to you. Jackalpaw, your mentor will be Hawkclaw. I hope that Hawkclaw will pass down all he knows to you. This meeting is now dismissed." 

Leafshadow was glad for her kits, and she felt sorry for them, too. For she knew that she would run away tonight, and they would not have the chance to train properly with their mentors.

A small period of time later...(Nighttime)

"Shh." whispered Leafshadow, "Come on darlings." She had told her kits what they were doing. Briarkit was napping on her back. That day, Leafshadow had told her kit's mentors to teach them as much as possible. They had agreed, thinking that she was just impatient. She now glanced back at her old home, she would miss this place.

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