Chapter Seven

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Skypaw scampered after Stormstar into the dense forest. She was finally going to train!

"First, you are going to learn to hunt," said Stormstar, "watch me."

Skypaw carefully copied his position, and opened her mouth, wanting to catch scents of prey. She finally scented a crow, and carefully stepped lightly towards it. Suddenly, it started to fly. Skypaw was not going to let her prey fly off like that! She leaped up into the air and grabbed the crow in her jaws. She showed it to Stormstar. 

"Great catch," he said, "now for fighting. Sheath your claws!"

Stormstar jumped up, and Skypaw saw her chance. She kicked as hard as she could, and Stormstar went flying past. They continued training, and Stormstar praised Skypaw on her fighting skills. After a while, they came back to the main camp. 

"Now, go to Lilywhisker to get some mouse bile, and take it to treat Oakmint and Marigoldsong's fleas. Skypaw groaned as she recalled Leafpaw telling her about apprentices having to treat fleas for the elders. She trotted off to the medicine cat den and found Sunpaw, but no Lilywhisker. Sunpaw handed Skypaw some mouse bile, and Skypaw entered the elder's den. 

To her surprise, Leafpaw was there, also treating ticks. What was strange was that Leafpaw turned her head, not wanting to look at her. Suddenly, Skypaw understood. Leafpaw was jealous that Stormstar was her mentor! She thought hard: I am not special Leafpaw!   Soon, Leafpaw answered. She nodded and was totally normal to Skypaw afterward. 

At sunset, Skypaw walked into the apprentice den. Leafpaw called out, "Over here Skypaw!" Skypaw looked and saw Leafpaw pointing to a nest right next to her's. Skypaw went over, and was asleep.

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