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*Hey guys, so I noticed that some positions have changed so here are the new Allegiances.*-Cathy

CLAN: Stormclan

LEADER: Stormstar (dark gray tom with light green eyes, (mate: Lightwhisper))

DEPUTY: Crystalblaze (White calico she-cat with green eyes)

MED. CAT: Lilywhisker (White cat with orange eyes)

WARRIORS (Brief and sorted by age):

Amberclaw (Orange she-cat with green eyes)

Lightwhisper (Silver she-cat with blue eyes (Mate: Stormstar, Kits: Skyspirit and Leafshadow) 

Sparrowwing (White she-cat with gray eyes) 

Spruceleaf (Gray tom with gray eyes (Mate Willowpelt))

Willowpelt (Brown she-cat with topaz eyes (Mate: Spruceleaf, Kits: Sappirepaw and Birchpaw))

Treeshade (Gray tabby she-cat with pale blue eyes)

Cloudmist (Silver she-cat with orange eyes.)

Snowlily (White she-cat with gray eyes)

Robinflight (Maroon tom with grayish eyes)

Foxsong (Orange tom with green eyes)

Whitedash (Dirty white tom with dusty orange eyes)

Ashfur (Black she-cat with blue eyes)

Duskfall (Dark brown tom with red eyes)

Hawkclaw (Gray tom with greenish-yellow eyes)

Lionstrike (tawny-colored tom with amber eyes)

Fernclaw (Brown tom with dark eyes)

Leafshadow (Grayish-white she-cat with green eyes)

Skyspirit (Silver-white she-cat with blue eyes)


Sunpaw (Bright yellow tom with green eyes (Mentor: Lilywhisker))

Sapphirepaw (Tan she-cat with bright blue eyes(Mentor: Snowlily))

Birchpaw (Light brown tom with gray eyes(Mentor: Foxsong))

Kits: NONE

Queens: NONE


Marigoldsong (Pale yellow she-cat with golden eyes)

Oakmint (Black tom with blue eyes and a scar across one eye)

WARRIORS: Skyspirit's Decision (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now