Chapter Eight

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Time Skip

4 weeks later...

Skypaw and Leafpaw were in the hunting grounds.

"I am so going to get more prey than you this time around!" Skypaw taunted.

"In your dreams! When have you ever beaten me?" Leafpaw shot back.

"Then let's make it a competition!" Skypaw said.

"You're on!" Leafpaw replied.

Sometime later...

"Okay, let's take a look at our prey." Skypaw said. The two sisters laid out their prey only to find that Leafpaw had still caught more.

"Ha-ha!" Leafpaw laughed but Skypaw wasn't listening.

"Hey sis," Skypaw asked, "Ever wondered what's in there?" Skypaw pointed to a nearby cave.

"Oh, Sunpaw said something about a badger..." Leafpaw started.

"Great! Let's go take a look!" Skypaw interrupted before she ran towards the cave.

"SKYPAW!" Leafpaw shouted as she ran after Skypaw "THIS IS A REALLY BAD IDEA!" Leafpaw ran into the cave to find Skypaw staring at the badger.

"Hey, Mr. Badger, would you mind if left this Stormclan territory? I hate sharing prey." Skypaw asked.

The Badger snarled as it pounced on Skypaw. Fortunately, Skypaw's reflexes were excellent, and she rolled away in time. Skypaw swiped at the badger's nose and the badger yowled in pain. The two kept on fighting while Leafpaw stood there torn between wanting to help her sister and not getting injured...

*HAHAHA! You'll have to wait until the next chapter to find out what happened! (No seriously, this chapter is WAY longer than I planned.)*-Cathy

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