Chapter Five

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After a while, Skykit decided to go back to the nursery, she was not surprised to see Sapphirekit and Birchkit wrestling. Unlike Skykit and Leafpaw, the two siblings were born on the same day and therefor would be apprenticed together.

Skykit waited for her sister to come back so she could pester her with questions but at Sun-down Leafpaw didn't come.

"Sis! Where are you?" Skykit said as she peeked out of the nursery just in time to see her sister passing the nursery with Fernpaw and Sunpaw, "Hey! Sis! It's getting late! Mom won't be happy if you stay up to long, I have so many questions I want to ask you! Let's talk in the nursery."

"Uhm, Skykit," Leafpaw began. "I have to go to the apprentice den. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?"

"Oh, Okay." Skykit replied but she could barely hide her disappointment, "See you tomorrow."

Skykit watched as her sister walked away and for the first time in her life, Skykit missed her sister.

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