Chapter Sixteen

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*Oof this is sooooo loooooonnngggg!*--Vanessa_the_Aggravated

After many moons...

Leafshadow hurried through the dense forest. She opened her mouth to taste the air. She could taste the faint scent of Skyspirit. She had passed this place recently!

"Come on!" she called to the two apprentices, "Hurry up!"

"Your legs are longer than ours!" complained Jackalpaw, "Why can't you just carry us, too?" She gestured at Briarkit, who was sitting on Leafshadow's back, purring. 

"She's younger than you!" Leafshadow replied.

Jackalpaw wasn't listening, "Hey G-paw!" she called to Galaxypaw, "Race ya to that river!"

"Don't call him that!" yelled Leafshadow.

"JACKALPAW!" screamed Galaxypaw.

Leafshadow's blood ran cold. What? She sprinted over to the river bank. Jackalpaw was getting washed away in the current! Leafshadow reached for her, but she couldn't reach Jackalpaw. Galaxypaw was hopping up and down with anxiety. 

Suddenly, a group of three cats burst out of the trees and scooped Jackalpaw out of the water. Thank StarClan! Leafshadow thought. However, the cats confronted her. 

"What are you doing on our territory?" demanded a black she-cat.

"I didn't know. Are you a clan?" Leafshadow said.

"Yes." declared a mottled brown tabby, "We'll take her and her kits to Skystar." 

"Um...I'm sort of in a hurry," murmured Leafshadow.

"You don't have a choice. And all your problems shall be over, very soon." he snarled.

Leafshadow couldn't argue, since the cats were carrying Jackalpaw. They entered a large gorge, with large stone walls. A lot of cats were there, sharing tongues (grooming), eating prey, and talking. They all stared at the patrol. There was a cliff at the very edge of the gorge, and Leafshadow could see a den at the very top. Probably the Leader's Den, she thought.

"What is this?" a cold voice said. Leafshadow froze. She knew that voice!

"Skystar!" called the yellow tom, "We've found rogues in our territory!"

Slowly, a silver-furred she-cat emerged. She climbed down the steps at the side of the cliff. The cat walked over briskly. The she-cat, or Skystar, fixed her brilliant crystal-blue eyes on Leafshadow, making Leafshadow gasp.

"Why were you trespassing?" asked Skystar.

"I, um, was looking for my younger sister," replied Leafshadow.

"Why did you try to sneak into our camp?" This time Skystar directed the question at Jackalpaw. 

"I-I didn't! I was j-just, um..."

"Enough lies!" Skystar growled, "Nettletail, Blazenose! Kill them! That should teach those rogues not to mess with us again!"

Briarkit started to wail. Galaxypaw and Jackalpaw tensed up as if preparing for battle. Leafshadow knew that they didn't have a chance. The two warriors were strong and battle-scarred. They let their claws slide out.

"Wait!" a familiar-looking brown tom cried, "Skystar! That's Leafshadow!" Leafshadow was filled with relief- It was Duskfall!

"Halt!" Skystar commanded. She then turned to Leafshadow, "If you are my sister then you should know this: Where did we bury the old moss-ball that we used to-"

Leafshadow cut her off, quickly, she answered, "Intheabandonedbadgerdenthatyoudefeatedwhenyouwereonlyanapprentice." 

*(In the abandoned badger den that you defeated when you were only an apprentice.)*-Cathy

"Sister?" asked Skystar, "It's you!"

"Yes!" Leafshadow replied, "And you have a lot of explaining to do! Like why you were trying to kill me, Jackalpaw, Galaxypaw, and Briarkit."

"BRIARKIT'S HERE!?!" shrieked three small voices. Suddenly, Briarkit was knocked off Leafshadow's back by Shadekit and Eaglekit, while Tigerkit licked her head. Briarkit purred.

"I'll make it up to you!" smiled Skystar.

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