Chapter Twenty

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*Ohhkaayy, the story is about to get good! Or maybe I'm just giddy...hahaha. This part is about Leafshadow and Skystar going back to check on StormClan.* --Vanessa

The next day...(Sunrise)

"Umm, did we have to go exactly when Jackallight was in labor?" muttered Leafshadow, annoyed. She was trekking through the dense foliage with Skystar at her side. They were almost at StormClan's camp.

"Uh...maybe not?" Skystar said. Even when she was the leader, Leafshadow still was her older sister.

"Tansyflower and Cloudwhisker have it all under control." she reassured Leafshadow, "And Duskfall and Goldenstorm will keep the clan in order. Oh, and, do you have a thing for Nettletail?" 

Leafshadow blushed a deep scarlet, "Maybe? Why do you ask?"

"Because you blush and look away every time Nettletail speaks to you!" Skystar exclaimed.

"Well, no, I don't."

"Good, because things are going to get complicated since we're visiting Lionstrike." Skystar declared.

"Oh, StarClan" Leafshadow muttered.

"Oh! wait! Lionstrike won't be in Stormclan! Remember when I told you that I sent a message to him and told him to come over?" Leafshadow suddenly exclaimed.

"Umm, actually, I sent him another message telling him that we were coming to Stormclan to pick him up," Skyspirit said uncomfortably. 

"Fox-dung!" Leafshadow muttered.

*In here Fox-dung means Damn it* --Cathy

They soon arrived on the moor which marked the border of StormClan territory. 

"We should wait," Leafshadow said. Just then, a familiar tawny shape approached them. 

"Hi Leafie, hey Skyspirit," Lionstrike said.

"It's Skystar," said Skystar. She watched as a smaller cat came over.

"Why are you talking to the intruders Lionstrike?" asked the small gray tom. 

"I'll take them to Crystalstar, don't worry Darkpaw," Lionstrike assured.

Leafshadow and Skystar exchanged worried glances, Crystalstar?

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