Chapter Eight (Cont.)

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*Hiya guys, it's Vanessa, and Cathy was leaving you with a cliffhanger last time, right? Well, here's the rest of the chapter! Have fun reading! --Vanessa*

Skypaw swiped her claws across the badger's flank. The badger roared and clawed at Skypaw, leaving a large gash on her side. The badger then lumbered over, lifting one giant foot, trying to step on Skypaw. She was too fast, however, and dodged, kicking the badger right in its snout. The badger reared up, and Skypaw leaped onto its back. She bit down hard right on its throat, and blood spurted out. The badger's legs crumpled beneath it, so Skypaw tumbled off. One of the badger's claws flew up and sliced Skypaw's chest. There were a terrible scream and the two limp bodies went silent. 

Leafpaw sprinted in and grabbed Skypaw's scruff in her teeth. She half carried, half dragged her sister all the way to the main part of the camp, where Lilywhisker ran up to her. 

"Leafpaw, what happened?" Lilywhisker asked.

"Sh-She went into the b-badger den," Leafpaw said desperately, "She k-killed it."

Lilywhisker asked no more questions as she carried Skypaw to the medicine cats' den. Leafpaw heard Sunpaw go to Stormstar's den, obviously telling him the news. For the first time, Leafpaw felt entirely alone and afraid.

Leafpaw hesitantly approached Stormstar and Crystalblaze.

"Can I take my warrior test?" Leafpaw asked...

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