Chapter Thirty

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"I, Skystar, leader of Skyclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Rainpaw, Rosepaw, Flamepaw, and Maplepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

All four apprentices nodded and said, "I do!"

"Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior names. Rainpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Rainbreeze. StarClan honors your calmness and kindness and we welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan. Rosepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Roseflower. StarClan honors your compassion and faith and we welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan. Flamepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Flameheart. StarClan honors your energy and fun-spirit and we welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan. Maplepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Mapletail. StarClan honors your honesty and loyalty and we welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan."

Skystar placed her muzzle on each of the apprentice's heads and they licked her shoulder in turn.

"Rainbreeze! Roseflower! Flameheart! Mapletail!" the crowd cheered.

"I'm so proud of them," Briarwind whispered to Galaxymoon, "makes me think of our warrior ceremony."

"Yes," replied Galaxymoon chuckling, "I wonder who will get a mate first."

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