Chapter Eleven

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A few moons later...

Skyspirit had just come back after a hunting patrol with a water vole. She dropped the fresh piece of prey onto the fresh-kill pile before heading to the warrior's den. She spotted Sapphiregem and Birchear listening to Oakmint telling them about the battle of Stormclan and Shadowclan. Skyspirit slowly shook her head, the two siblings had become warriors recently and were extremely eager to learn everything there was to learn, then something caught her eye. Skyspirit turned her head and saw her sister Leafshadow touching muzzles with Lionstrike. Lionstrike whispered something to Leafshadow and Leafshadow giggled, it was disgusting. 


Skyspirit was arranging the moss on her nest when her sister came in. She sat down on the nest next to Skyspirit's.

"So," Skyspirit started, "what did you do today?" Skyspirit saw her sister blush before answering

"Nothing really special, hanged out a bit with my friends," Leafshadow replied.

Skyspirit nodded and laid down, she pretended to sleep and soon heard her sister lay down next to her. Come to think of it, Leafshadow and Lionstrike had been spending too much time together in her opinion.


Skyspirit heard her sister get up from her bed.

"That's strange." Skyspirit thought. She decided to follow her sister to see where she was going. 

Skyspirit followed her sister to the overview and found Lionstrike there too,

"Leafshadow!" Lionstrike exclaimed, "I thought you would have forgotten!"

Leafshadow giggled "Oh let's just get over this." she said, "What was it you wanted to tell me?"

Skyspirit peered from behind some bushes.

Lionstrike looked down at his paws before answering, "I was just wondering..."

Skyspirit shifted a bit and accidentally stepped on a stick. Lionstrike and Leafshadow's head both turned around to the place Skyspirit was hiding.

"Please hide my scent, please hide my scent." Skyspirit prayed as Leafshadow took a step towards Skyspirit.

"It must be a squirrel." Lionstrike said before turning back to Leafshadow, "I was wondering... If you would be my mate."

Leafshadow gasped "Oh Lionstike!" she said, "I thought you would never ask." before nuzzling him. Skyspirit slipped away quietly and went back to her den.

"They're disgusting." Skyspirit muttered, "I will never act so lovey-dovey." 

That is until Skyspirit met Duskfall...

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