Chapter Nine

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*Cool! Vanessa finally wrote a long-ish chapter! I hope fans of Leafpaw like this---🖤Vanessa*

"Are you sure?" Crystalblaze asked, "After what..."

"Yes," said Leafpaw, "I'm sure. Absolutely."

"Oh, alright, let's start with hunting. Catch at least one squirrel and three rodents(mice, voles, shrews, etc.)." Crystalblaze replied hesitantly.

Leafpaw nodded and went into the forest confidently. She soon found a nest of 5 baby mice, and killed all of them with just a few skilled strikes. She buried the prey near a magnolia tree. She then scented a squirrel, and followed the trail. Leafpaw caught it, and brought all her prey back to camp.

"Good job!" Crystalblaze exclaimed.

"Now for battle," said Stormstar, "you're going to fight Crystalblaze. With sheathed claws, of course." Stormstar's eyes clouded over, remembering Skypaw. 

Leafpaw gritted her teeth. Fighting was always Skypaw's area of expertise. She took a deep breath, and pounced. Suddenly Crystalblaze was on top of her. Leafpaw's mind went blank. Then, Skypaw's weak voice said in her head: Roll and kick hard at her belly. Leafpaw did as she was told, and then Crystalblaze fell off her. Leafpaw jumped, and she was pinning Crystalblaze to the ground. She had won!

"Good job," Crystalblaze said, "you're going to have your warrior ceremony soon." Leafpaw was very excited. Finally! However, then she thought of poor Skypaw, barely alive, and still helping her. 

"Will Skypaw become a warrior?" asked Leafpaw.

Crystalblaze and Stormstar exchanged a look and said, "If she survives, she will. She proved her bravery by challenging a badger. She won't have to take the test."

Leafpaw felt happy because she just caught a glimpse of Sunpaw going up to see Stormstar with a huge smile on his face. She heard the distinctive meow of her sister and felt happy that she had recovered

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