Chapter 4 - The sorting

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"Its nothing! Just some summer fling he got attached to!"


We stepped out from the train and started heading towards the carriages only for a tall man to great us.

"Ah Jones. I was lookin' for yer, Professor Mcgonagal told me to make sure yer come on the boats with the firs' years. Probably so yer can get sorted aye." He had a brown beard and long brown locks; I assume he's part giant as he is taller then the average man.
"Dont worry kiddo it'll be alrigh'. Come on then you can see yer friends later." He must have noticed I was nervous. Me and the girls smiled at each other as I began to walk of with the man.

"I'm Hagrid, Rubeus Hagrid. Nice to meet yer. FIRS' YEARS TIS WAY! FOLLOW ME!"

We walked for a good 10 minutes I suppose until we came to a gigantic lake and a bunch of boats. I jumped in one of them as some other kids got in too. I suppose first years.

Suddenly, the boats began to move along the lake.

"YER'LL GET YER FIRS' VIEW O' HOGWARTS SOON! NO SAFER PLACE DONT WORRY!" Hagrids voice could be heard for miles I'm sure of it.

I looked up from the lake and as my eyes fell upon a magnificent, enormous, castle like building, it stood high upon some rocks. A truly magical sight. A tall, large, long, old bridge connected it to the land where we had just come from. The school had enormous stained glass windows, each different beautiful colours. I hadn't even realised we were getting of the boats and entering the school.


Me and the first years began to walk up the stairs where a tall, old, grey haired witch in dark emerald green robes stood. She looked very strict and you wouldnt want to cross her. Ofcourse my idea is to cross her and find out what'll happen.

"Firs' years Professor Mcgonagal" stated Hagrid. "Oh an' Miss Jones is here too" he whispered but loud enough for me to hear.

"Welcome to Hogwarts" She said loud enough for the students at the back to hear.
"The start of the year banquet will start soon, but before you take your seats you must be sorted into your houses. This ceremony is extremely important because while you are here your house will be like your family. You will have majority of your classes with them, sleep in your house dormitories and spend spare time in the house common room." She was still rambling on about something and I zoned out. I luckily zoned back in Time to hear the houses.

"There are four houses. Gryffindor, for the brave. Hufflepuff, for the loyal. Ravenclaw, for the wise. And Slytherin, for the ambitious. They all have their own unique history, named after the four founders. Whilst you attend Hogwarts your triumphs will earn you points. However, any rule breaking will result in losing points. At the end of the year the house with the most points win the house cup." She continued on something about it starting soon, to be honest you could take a couple guesses about who gets sorted where from the looks on their faces.

Professor Mcgonagal pulled me aside to have a word with me.
"Miss Jones. We are very pleased to have you join us this year. You will be sorted last since we do the first years before anything else. Walk into the great hall with them and try to ignore any glances." I nodded as she walked of I joined the first years in time to enter.

As I entered my eyes immediately noticed the celling of the hall was spelled to look like the sky. Very cool if I'm honest. I brang my eyes down and saw the four tables to which I assume are the house tables. Professor Mcgonagal said some other boring speech that i didnt pay attention to. Instead my eyes fell upon the Gryffindor table, me and L made eye contact and I could already tell she thought I'd be Gryffindor.

"Miss Jones, please step forward you will be sorted now" the voice echoed through the hall and without any hesitation I stepped forward and sat on the old stool.

I could hear the hat talking in my mind, thinking of where to place me.
"Ah Miss Jones. This year shall be eventful I assume. But let's begin with where to place you. Maybe Hufflepuff, you are very hard working and quite loyal. Hmm but you wouldnt reach your full potential. Perhaps Ravenclaw, very wise I see and value intelligence. Hmm no not quite. Ah I know!"
"GRYFFINDOR!" The Hats voice boomed through the halls as loud cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table.

I stood up taking the hat of.
"NO NO NO SLYTHERIN!" It screamed.

The hall fell silent. Confused looks were passed between many. The Gryffindor smiles faded and were replaced by Slytherin grins. I could hear the whispers "what?" "How? That's not possible" I ofcourse chose to ignore it and went to sit next to Lily.


"Well no shit Merlin. However, as inviting the sly, creepy grins on that table are, I'd much prefer to be in Gryffindor." I replied rather lairy.

"I SORTED YOU INTO SLYTHERIN!" The voice echoed again.

"No, technically you didnt. You sorted me into Gryffindor actually. Then changed your mind. Honestly you should be more careful with your words. I will be staying in Gryffindor, if you dont like that it's not my problem!" And with that I sat back down, with eyes all on me still I began to put food on my plate and enjoy my dinner.

Authors note: Another Chapter done. :)

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